PAINLESS ACCOUNTING TABLE OF CONTENTS Disclaimer Agreement.......................... 1 Introduction.................................. 1 System Requirements........................... 1 Installation.................................. 1 Converting from Previous Versions............. 2 Installing a Company.......................... 3 Operational Procedures........................ 3 Other Features................................ 3 Backup Procedures............................. 3 Getting Started............................... 3 I. FILES Accounts File.............................. 5 Client File................................ 7 Vendor File................................ 10 Product File............................... 11 Service File............................... 14 Message File............................... 16 Salesman File.............................. 17 Job File................................... 18 General/ID File............................ 19 Notes - Client Add/Edit Client Notes.............. 20 Print Client Notes................. 21 Delete Client Notes................ 22 Reminder Labels.................... 22 Appointment Schedule....................... 22 Password Access............................ 23 Open Company............................... 23 Create Company............................. 24 II. PURCHASES Enter/Edit Purchase Order.................. 24 Enter/Edit Received P.O.................... 26 Inventory Adjustments...................... 27 Print P.O./Received P.O. Print Purchase Order............... 28 Print Received P.O................. 29 Print Adjustments.......................... 29 Print Purchase Journal..................... 29 Post Received P.O.......................... 30 Post Adjustments........................... 30 Bill of Materials Print Bill of Material............. 31 Generate Bill of Materials......... 31 i III. BILLING Enter/Edit Estimates....................... 32 Enter/Edit Invoices........................ 35 Estimate Print............................. 38 Invoice Print.............................. 38 Revenue Journal............................ 39 Commission Report.......................... 39 Sales Analysis............................. 39 Posting Process............................ 40 Recurring Entries Enter/Edit Invoices................ 40 Print Recurring Entries............ 41 Generate Entries................... 41 IV. RECEIVABLES Enter/Edit Transactions.................... 42 Cash Receipts.............................. 44 Journals - Print Invoices/Transactions.............. 46 Cash Receipts Journal.............. 46 Posting Process............................ 46 Finance Charges............................ 46 Recurring Entries Enter/Edit Transactions............ 47 Print Recurring Entries............ 47 Generate Entries................... 47 V. PAYABLES Enter/Edit Transactions.................... 47 Cash Payments.............................. 48 Direct Check Writing....................... 49 Journals - Print Invoices/Transactions.............. 50 Payments Journal................... 50 Direct Check Journal............... 50 Disbursements Journal...................... 50 Print Checks............................... 50 Posting Process............................ 50 Recurring Entries Enter/Edit Transactions............ 51 Print Recurring Entries............ 51 Generate Entries................... 51 VI. LEDGER Enter/Edit Transactions.................... 51 Account Activity Report.................... 52 Journal Report............................. 53 Check Reconciliation Check Reconciliation............... 53 Print Check Register............... 53 Sales Tax Report........................... 54 Posting Process............................ 54 Recurring Entries Enter/Edit Transactions............ 54 Print Recurring Entries............ 55 Generate Entries................... 55 ii VII. REPORTS General Ledger Reports Trial Balance...................... 55 Income Statement................... 55 Balance Sheet...................... 56 Chart of Account Listing........... 56 Job Costing Statement.............. 56 Client Reports Client Aging Report................ 56 Client Statements.................. 57 Client Directory................... 57 Client Labels...................... 57 Client Historical Invoices......... 57 Vendor Reports Vendor Aging Report................ 58 Vendor Directory................... 58 Vendor Labels...................... 58 Service Listing............................ 58 Product Listing............................ 59 Message Listing............................ 59 Job Listing................................ 59 Salesman Report............................ 59 Historical Reports Client Historical.................. 59 Vendor Historical.................. 60 Product Historical................. 60 Service Historical................. 60 VIII. UTILITES END OF PERIOD ROUTINES General Ledger - End of Month.............. 60 Receivables - End of Month................. 61 Payables - End of Month.................... 61 Inventory - End of Month................... 61 Commission - End of Month.................. 62 End of Year - General Ledger............... 62 Roll Historical Ytd Figures................ 62 Historical Invoice/Tax Purge............... 63 Job Costing Purge.......................... 63 Budgeting Enter/Edit Budget.................. 63 Print Budget Report................ 63 Print Actual Report................ 63 Print Variance Report.............. 63 Fixed Assets Enter/Edit Fixed Assets............ 64 Print Fixed Assets................. 65 Generate Asset Entries............. 65 iii DATA UTILITIES File Sizes................................. 65 Reindex Files.............................. 67 Backup Files............................... 67 Restore Files.............................. 67 PROGRAM SETUP OPTIONS Color Parameters........................... 68 Video Parameters........................... 68 Sales Tax Table............................ 68 Statement Text............................. 68 Customized Forms Client Invoice..................... 69 Client Statement................... 69 Purchase Order..................... 69 Received P.O....................... 69 Check Alignment.................... 69 Customized Fonts........................... 71 Printer Setup.............................. 71 Default Descriptions....................... 71 Country Setup.............................. 72 Configuration Setup........................ 72 Run Program Setup.......................... 73 OTHER UTILITIES Calculator................................. 73 Notepad.................................... 74 Painless Companion......................... 74 Painless Editor............................ 74 XBase Interpreter.......................... 74 DOS FUNCTIONS Format Floppy Disk......................... 74 Check Disk................................. 74 Copy File.................................. 74 Delete File................................ 74 Backup to Floppy Disk...................... 75 Restore from Floppy........................ 75 DOS Window (Alt+X)........................ 75 ENTERING BEGINNING BALANCES Account.................................... 75 Clients.................................... 75 Vendors.................................... 75 Products................................... 76 iv DISCLAIMER - AGREEMENT Users of Painless Accounting must except this disclaimer of warranty: "Painless Accounting is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of Painless Accounting." Introduction & Installation Painless Accounting 6.0 is a full featured easy to use accounting system. PA6 is designed to be used by non-accountants, yet still be powerful. Some of the major features include: Integrated General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Billing/Invoicing, Accounts Receivable, Purchases. Links to Painless Payroll (optional). Unlimited number of companies (depending on disk space). Recurring entries Batch processing Customized forms for invoices, statements, checks and purchase orders. Full mouse support-CUA compliant interface. System Requirements PA6 requires a hard disk drive with 3 megabytes free, Dos 3.3 or higher and 640k memory. PA6 will utilize up to 32 megabytes of EMS if available. Installation Place the Installation disk in drive A: and at the DOS prompt type A:CINSTALL then You will be prompted to select the type of install, whether you are installing for the first time, installing the registered over the shareware copy, or upgrading from a previous version. Use the arrow keys to select and press enter to accept the default. You will be prompted to enter the drive and directory to install to. The default is C:\PA6 . You may enter a new directory if you wish. If you are not sure, press enter. You will then be prompted to enter the drive and directory for your data files. The default is C:\PA6\DATA . You may enter a new directory if you wish. If you are not sure, press enter to accept the default. PAGE 1 Change disks at the prompts. An installation Note to previous Painless Accounting users: Previous versions of Painless Accounting were limited to ten companies, and each company was created with the install procedure. PA6 now provides support for unlimited companies (limited only by disk space). Additional company data files are created through the Files menu of PA6, and no longer require the installation disks or program. CONVERTING FROM 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 TO 6.0 IMPORTANT- BACK UP BEFORE UPGRADING! Place the disk label Installation Disk in Drive A. Type in 'A:CINSTALL'. This will start the installation process. Select the option to convert your 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, or 5.0 data files to 6.0. You will then be prompted to enter in the drive and directory to install Painless Accounting. If you are unsure just press Enter through each option. It will then prompt you to enter in the drive and directory in which your 2.5, 3.0, or 4.0 data files are located. It will then start creating the new data file structures and then begin converting the files. After the files are converted, it will begin reindexing. Once the reindexing is complete you will have to enter in the account numbers for your Products, Cost of Good Sold, Sales Tax, and Sales Tax Expense accounts. Freight Income and Freight expense accounts will also need to be added. If these accounts are not on file you may add them at this time. The INVENTORY account will be updated when merchandise is received and the Received Purchase Orders are posted. It will also be updated when the billing is posted for products sold. The COST OF GOODS SOLD is the default account used when entering a product. If you have different departments the appropriate account will be updated when the billing module is posted. The Freight income tracks all freight charged on invoices and the freight expense tracks all freight you were charged by vendors. The help file will then be created for you. PAGE 2 INSTALLING A COMPANY Place the disk label Installation Disk in Drive A. Type in 'A:CINSTALL'. This will start the installation process. Enter 'Y' if you have a color monitor to continue with the installation. You will then be prompted to enter in the drive and directory to install Painless Accounting. If you are unsure just press Enter. In order for Painless Accounting to function properly you must have 99 files and 16 buffers in your config.sys file. If you want your config.sys file to be updated answer 'Y'. If you answer 'N' you must update your config.sys file yourself. It will then begin to create your data files. You then have the option to use the sample chart of accounts. If you answer 'Y' it will ask for the installation disk, which should already be in Drive A. Then insert disks as prompted. If your config.sys file had to be updated, it will beep and then a screen will appear indicating that you must reboot the computer before using Painless Accounting. Press any key to continue and then reboot. To reboot, press the reset button or press CTRL ALT DELete simultaneously. You also have the option of printing the manual at this time. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Painless Accounting 6.0 supports the CUA interface with full mouse support. The CUA interface is becoming an industry standard. If you have used Windows (tm) then you should know how a CUA program works. If you have not used a program with this interface, take a few minutes to become familiar with the way PA6 operates. While a mouse is not required, it is highly recommended. In addition to the mouse, here are the common keystrokes used by PA6. Tab - This allows you to move to each field one at a time. This key is used in additon to the Enter key. Use the tab when the enter key may change a data field entry and you want to skip that field. Shift+Tab - This moves you back one field at a time. PAGE 3 Page Up/Page Down - This allows paging through listings displayed on the screen. Up/Down Arrow - Used to scroll for menu option selection, and browse screens. You may also use the keys to move forward and backward through the data entry fields Enter Key - Used when selecting menu options and accepting field entries. Escape (ESC) - Used to cancel an operation or exit any menu option. Selecting a menu or a menu item only requires pressing the highlighted letter which represents the selection. While in a menu option, you may press the highlighted letter to move to another field or to chose a command. When a menu option has data entry fields, then you must use the ALT+ the highlighted letter. OTHER FEATURES Painless Accounting displays the Company Name at the bottom of the screen. Menu item selection and field information is displayed below the company name. Error messages are also displayed below the company name. Back Up Procedures We strongly recommend doing regular backups of your data files. Here are a few backup suggestions: Get a good commercial back up program. They are faster than the Dos Backup, use far fewer disks for your backup and have excellent data verification. On the other hand, the Dos Backup has no error correction, so it will not detect a bad disk! Rotate your backups. We recommend that when you backup you alternate between at least two daily sets. Also, you should have two weekly sets. Then do a backup at the end of the month, label it and store it away. It sounds like a lot, but if you use a good backup program it only takes a few seconds and uses just one or two disks. The reason you alternate is because a corrupt data file may go undetected, and you can back up bad data over good. By alternating your backup sets you minimize this possibility. Get a tape backup. Good ones only cost a few hundred dollars, and you can automate the process to do an unattended backup while you are at lunch. Getting Started The first thing you will need to do to get started Painless Accounting is to build your data files. The next section outlines the data entry for each file. PAGE 4 ACCOUNTS MASTER FILE One of the first steps is to setup your Chart of accounts. If you are using the default chart of accounts then you may edit or delete any existing account number, or add additional account numbers. If you are not using the default chart of accounts, then you will need to enter all of your account numbers. Account Number: You may enter up to ten alphabetic , numeric, or a combination of both for the account number. Account Name: You are allowed up to thirty alphabetic, numeric, or a combination of characters to describe the account. Account Type: The Browse command is available to select an account type. All account types must begin with an alphabetic character followed by two numeric characters. This allows you to enter up to ninety nine different accounts for each account type. If you enter an account type that does not exist you will be prompted "Yes" to add the account type or "No" to cancel the add. Account Types: All account types must begin with the following letters: A - Asset L - Liabilities C - Capitol R - Revenues E - Expenses Adding Account Types 1. Enter the Account Type while in the Account Type field and press the Enter key. 2. Select Yes to add the account type. 3. Press the tab key to move to the description filed. 4. Enter up to thirty (30) characters to describe the account type. 5. Select the OK command at the bottom of the screen to save and process the entered information. Pasting Account Types To edit an account type 1. Select the Browse command while in the Account Type field.. 2. Highlight the Account type to Paste. 3. Select the Paste command along the right side of the screen. Deleting Accounts Types 1. Select the Browse command while in the Account Type field. PAGE 5 2. Move the highlight bar over the Account Type you wish to delete. 3. Select the Delete command from the right side of the screen. 4. Select Yes to delete the account. An account type can only be deleted if there are no accounts assigned to the type. Searching for an Account Type 1. Select the Browse command while in the Account Type field. 2. Select the Account Menu and then Browse, or just press F4 to browse. 3. Enter the account type you wish to find. 4. The cursor bar will highlite the matching record. Press enter to edit or view. Note: To exit the Account Type Browse screen, press the ESC key. Also, the Cancel command in the Account menu screen will cancel any changes to the file if you are in the Add or Edit mode. Once all the information is complete press F8 to save the account. The screen is cleared and you may enter another account. Balances will be updated when the posting process is completed. To exit the Account Maintenance screen press the ESC key, or click your mouse on the Account menu and select Cancel. Adding Accounts Select Accounts from the File Main Menu. Enter the Account number. Input data in the appropriate fields. See the field definitions at the beginning of this section. Press F8 save and process the entered information. Editing Accounts Select Accounts from the Files Main Menu. Enter the Account number. Once the Account Maintenance screen is accessed, use your Mouse or the Tab key to move to the field you wish to edit and make the desired change. Press F8 save and process the entered information. PAGE 6 Deleting Accounts Select Accounts from the File Main Menu. Enter the Account number. Press the F6 key to Delete. Select OK to delete the account. Note: An account can only be deleted if it has a zero (0) balance. Searching for an Account Select Account from the File Main Menu. Press the F4 key to browse, or select the Account Menu, then Browse. Enter the account number you wish to find. Press Enter to view or edit the account number. To exit the Account Master File, you may choose the Cancel command along the right side of the screen. Also, the Cancel command along the bottom of the screen in the Account Maintenance screen will cancel any changes to the file if you are in the Add or Edit mode. CLIENT MASTER FILE The Clients menu option is used to Add, Edit, Delete, or Search clients. To enter client beginning balances select the Utilities, Enter Beginning Balance option. Client Code: You may use numeric , alphabetic, or combination of both for the code. The field will accept up to ten (10) characters. Company Name: You may enter up to forty (40) characters for the name of the company. Name: The name field is used for a contact person at the company. You may enter up to thirty (30) characters. Address: The address fields allows for physical a location as well as a Post Office box. You May enter up to thirty (30) characters for each address fields. City: Enter up to twenty (20) characters for the city. ST: Enter the two digit postal code for the state. This field also supports 4 digit province codes. PAGE 7 Zip Code: Enter the five or nine digit postal zip code for the client. Country: You may enter up to twenty (20) characters if the company resides in another country. Phone and Phone/Fax: Enter the client's phone number. Proper spacing for the area code and extension are in place. The phone/fax field my be used for a second phone number or the client's fax number. License: If you wish, you may enter the client's license number. Tax Number: Enter the client's tax identification number if the client is tax exempt. This field is for informational purpose only. The client may still be taxed if a tax rate is entered. Reminder Date: Clients may be printed out by reminder dates. This could be helpful if the client has an irregular invoicing need. Last Payment and Last Purchase: These fields are updated when the posting process is completed. You may edit the fields if necessary. Due Days: You can enter up to ninety nine (99) due day for the client. This is the date the invoice is due for payment from the day of invoicing. This field will effect the status of an invoice displayed on the aging, and if interest is used, the time at which interest will start generating. Price Level: If the client will receive a selling discount the time of invoicing, then enter the price level code used when setting up a product. Salesperson: Enter the code that will identify this client to a salesperson. The Browse command is available for selecting a salesperson. Balance Forward: If you will not be tracking the client's sales by individual invoice numbers then place an "X" in the check box. Note: The space bar is used to check the box, or clicking your mouse on the box. Charge Interest: Place an "X" in the check box if the client will be charged interest for past due invoices. When generating interest charges, the past due status of an invoice will be determined by the number of days enter in the Due Days. Tax Rate: Enter the tax rate number for this client. The Browse command is available for selecting a rate. PAGE 8 Note: The F2 key displays a screen that is used to enter additional ship to or locations of the client. Selecting the More command will place you in a window to enter the information. Adding Clients Select Clients from the File Main Menu. Enter an alphanumeric Client code. Input data in the appropriate fields. See the field definitions at the beginning of this section. Press F8 to save and process the entered information. Editing Clients Select Clients from the Files Main Menu. Enter an alphanumeric Client code or press F4 to browse. Once the Client Maintenance screen is accessed, use your Mouse or the Tab key to move to the field you wish to edit and make the desired change. Press F8 to save and process the entered information. Deleting Clients Select Clients from the File Main Menu. Enter an alphanumeric Client code or press F4 to browse. Press F6 to delete. Select OK to delete the client The client account must have a zero (0) balance before it can be deleted. Searching for a Client Select Clients from the File Main Menu. Press the F4 key for Browse. Enter the client number you wish to find. Press Enter to view or edit the client. To exit the Client Master File, you may choose the Cancel command along the right side of the screen. Also, the Cancel command along the bottom of the screen in the Client Maintenance screen will cancel any changes to the file if you are in the Add or Edit mode. PAGE 9 VENDORS MASTER FILE The Vendors menu option is used to Add, Edit, Delete, or Search vendors. To enter vendor beginning balances select the Utilities, Enter Beginning Balance option. Vendor Code: Enter the code for the vendor using alphabetic, numeric, or a combination of both. You may enter up to ten characters. Company Information: Enter the Vendor's company name, a contact name, the address, city, state and zip code. The country field is available if applicable. Painless also allows you to enter the phone number as well as a fax number. The Phone/Fax number field could also be used for a second voice number. Discount %: Enter any discounts, if any, that you receive from the vendor for early payment. The discount percentage you enter is a multiplier and not the actual percentage (i.e., 2% = .02). Discount Days: Enter the number of days the discount is available (i.e., 10 days = 10). Due Days: Enter the number of days available for the term of payment (i.e., 30 days = 30). Credit Limit: Enter any credit limits you have with the vendor. Tax Code and GST Code: Enter the tax code which applies to this vendor. The range is from 0 to 5. Sales tax tables are setup under the Utilities menu, Program Setup Options. There are five rate tables, one cash table, and one GST table. You may enter a table number and edit the tax tables at a later time. However, be sure to remember that a tax table can only apply to one rate. Last Purchase and Last Payment: These two fields will be updated when transaction are posted. You may also enter dates at this time if you so wish. Comments: You may enter up to forty characters for comments for this vendor. Chose the OK command to process and save the vendor information. All Units and Dollars fields will be updated when transaction are posted. Once the OK command is selected the screen is cleared and you are ready to enter another vendor. To exit the Vendor Maintenance screen press the ESC key , click you mouse on Cancel, or press the ALT + C keys. This will return you to the Vendor Browse screen. Adding Vendors Select Vendors from the File Main Menu. Enter an alphanumeric vendor code. PAGE 10 Input data in the appropriate fields. See the field definitions at the beginning of this section. Press the F8 Save key to save your vendor information, or select the Vendor menu in the upper right corner and select save. Editing Vendors Select Vendors from the Files Main Menu. Enter an alphanumeric vendor code, or press the F4 key to browse. Once the Vendor Maintenance screen is accessed, use your Mouse or the Tab key to move to the field you wish to edit and make the desired change. Press the F8 key to process and save the changes. Deleting Vendors Select Vendors from the File Main Menu. Enter an alphanumeric vendor code, or press the F4 key to browse. Press the F6 key to delete. Select OK to delete the account. The vendor account must have a zero (0) balance before it can be deleted. Searching for a Vendor Select Vendors from the File Main Menu. Press the F4 key to browse. Enter the vendor number you wish to find. Press Enter to view or edit the vendor. To exit the Vendor Master File, press ESC to cancel. Also, you can select the Vendor menu in the upper right corner and select the Cancel command. This will cancel any changes to the file if you are in the Add or Edit mode. PRODUCT MASTER FILE The Products menu option is used to Add, Edit, Delete, or Search products. To enter beginning on hand units for products select the Utilities, Enter Beginning Balance option. Product Code: You may enter between 10 and 40 alphabetic , numeric, or a combination of characters. The product length is determined by selecting Utilities, Configuration and specifying the length to wish. Description: You may enter up to forty characters to describe the product PAGE 11 Selling Price: Enter the selling price for the product (i.e., 50.00) Standard Cost and Average Cost: If you selected standard cost as you costing method, then enter the amount of the standard cost, otherwise skip this field. If you selected Average Cost then this field will be updated when purchases are posted. Note: On Hand Dollars, Units on Order, Committed Units, and On Hand Units will be updated when purchase and billing transactions are entered. Sales Account:: The Browse command is available to select a sales account number and paste it to this field. The account number must be a revenue account type. If you know the account number you may simply enter the number. If you enter an account that does not exist Painless will prompt you to add the account. Select "Yes" to ad an account on the fly, or select "No" to cancel the operation and reenter the account number. COGS Account: Enter the Cost Of Goods Sold account number for this product. The Browse command is available to select the account number and paste it to the field. The account number must be an expense account type. If you enter an account that does not exist Painless will prompt you to add the account . Select "Yes" to ad an account on the fly, or select "No" to cancel the operation and reenter the account number. Department Class and Vendor: You may enter a Department code, Class, and Vendor number for this product. Manufactured: Place an "X" in the check box if this product is to be used for manufacturing. Adding Products for Manufacturing Place an "X" in the check box to add a level. Enter the Product number. Enter up to forty characters for the description Enter the quantity used in the manufacturing process. You may Edit or delete any product by entering the product and selecting the Level Box. Once the level(s) have been entered select the OK command to return to the Product Maintenance screen. Levels: You may add price levels for a product. The level may be a fixed dollar discount or a percentage discount. PAGE 12 Adding Product Price Levels Place an "X" in the check box to add a level. The Price Level entry screen will automatically come up. Enter the level number. Enter "F" for fixed or "P" for percentage. Enter the fixed price or the percentage amount. Press Ctrl-A to add additional price levels. Press ESC to go back to the product entry screen. Taxable: If the product is taxable place an "X" in the check box. This does not determine the taxable status of a client only the product itself. GST Code: Enter the code for the GST for this product. This is only applicable if you are setup for GST tax. Check Boxes: Use the space bar or click your mouse on the box to place an "X" in the box to make it active. If you are setup for manufacturing then identify this product as part of a finished product by placing an "X" in the box. If the product has pricing levels available then "X" the Levels box. Place and "X" in the Taxable box if the product is taxable. Making the product taxable will not override any clients that are tax exempt. Place the proper GST code in the box if applicable. Note: All Units and Dollar fields will be updated when posting is completed. Once the OK command is selected the screen is cleared and you are ready to enter another product. To exit the Product maintenance screen press the ESC key, or click your mouse on the Product menu then Cancel. Adding Products Select Products from the File Main Menu. Enter the product code. Input data in the appropriate fields. See the field definitions at the beginning of this section. Press the F8 key, or select the Product menu, then Save. Editing Products Select Products from the Files Main Menu. Enter the product code, or press F4 to browse. PAGE 13 Once the Product Maintenance screen is accessed, use your Mouse or the Tab key to move to the field you wish to edit and make the desired change. Press F8 to save, or select the Product menu, then Save. Deleting Products Select Products from the File Main Menu. Enter the product code, or press F4 to browse. Press the F6 key to delete. Select OK to delete the account. The product must have a zero (0) balance, and may not have any on hand units to be deleted. Searching for a Product Select Products from the File Main Menu. Press the F4 key to browse. Enter the product number you wish to find. Press Enter to edit or view the product information. To exit the Products Master File, you may choose the Cancel command along the right side of the screen. Also, the Cancel command along the bottom of the screen in the Products Maintenance screen will cancel any changes to the file if you are in the Add or Edit mode. SERVICES MASTER FILE The Services menu option is used to Add, Edit, Delete, or Search services. Service Code: You may enter between 10 and 40 alphabetic , numeric, or a combination of characters. The service code length is determined by selecting Utilities, Configuration and specifying the length to wish. Description: You may enter up to forty character to describe the service. Selling Price: Enter the price you will charge for the service (i.e., 75.00). Selling Account: The Browse command is available to paste an existing revenue account. If you enter an account that does not exist Painless will allow you to create the account on the fly. Department and Class: Enter a department code and class code if applicable. PAGE 14 Taxable: Place an "X" in the check box if the service is taxable. Selecting taxable will not effect any clients hat are tax exempt. Note: All Units and Dollar fields will be updated when posted is completed. Once the OK command is selected the screen is cleared and you are ready to enter another service. To exit the Service maintenance screen press the ESC key, or select the Service menu in the upper right corner, then select cancel. Adding a Service Select Services from the File Main Menu. Enter the alphanumeric service code. Input data in the appropriate fields. See the field definitions at the beginning of this section. Press the F8 key, or select the Service menu in the upper right corner and then Save. Editing a Service Select Services from the Files Main Menu. Enter the Service code, or press the F4 key to browse. Once the Service Maintenance screen is accessed, use your Mouse or the Tab key to move to the field you wish to edit and make the desired change. Press the F8 key, or select the Service menu in the upper right corner and then Save. Deleting a Service Select Services from the File Main Menu. Enter the Service code, or press the F4 key to browse. Press the F6 key to delete the service. Select OK to confirm the deletion. Searching for a Service Select Services from the File Main Menu. Press the F4 key to browse. Enter the service number you wish to find. Press Enter to view or edit the service. To exit the Service Master File, you may choose the Cancel command along the right side of the screen. Also, the Cancel command along the bottom of the screen in the Service Maintenance screen will cancel any changes to the file if you are in the Add or Edit mode. PAGE 15 MESSAGES MASTER FILE The Message file can be used to enter any type of recurring message for recall when working with the Billing module. To access the Message Master file, select Messages from the Files Main Menu. Message Code: You may enter between ten and forty alphabetic, numeric, or a combination of characters to identify the message. Description: Enter up to forty characters for recurring message you will want to add to an invoice (i.e., Thank You For Your Business). Messages may also be entered on purchase orders. Adding Messages Select Messages from the File Main Menu. Enter the message code. Enter the description. You may leave the description blank for entry during Billing entry. Press the F8 key to save, or select the Message menu in the upper right corner and then Save. Editing Messages Select Messages from the Files Main Menu. Enter the Message code, or press the F4 key to browse. Once the Message Maintenance screen is accessed, use your Mouse or the Tab key to move to the field you wish to edit and make the desired change. Press the F8 key to save, or select the Message menu in the upper right corner and then Save. Deleting Messages Select Message from the File Main Menu. Enter the Message code, or press the F4 key to browse. Press the F6 key to delete the Message. Select OK to confirm the deletion. Searching for a Message Select Messages from the File Main Menu. Press the F4 key to browse. Enter the message number you wish to find. Press Enter to view or edit the item. PAGE 16 To exit the Message Master File, you may choose the Cancel command along the right side of the screen. Also, the Cancel command along the bottom of the screen in the Message Maintenance screen will cancel any changes to the file if you are in the Add or Edit mode. SALESPEOPLE MASTER FILE The Salespeople menu option is used to Add, Edit, Delete, or Search products. Salesmen Number: Enter three alphabetic, numeric, or combination of characters to identify the salesperson. Salesman Name: You may enter up to forty characters to describe the salesperson. Commission %: Enter the rate of commission the salesperson will earn. The rate is a multiplier and not the actual percentage (i.e., 30% = .30). All Units and Dollar fields will be updated when posted is completed. Once the OK command is selected the screen is cleared and you are ready to enter another salesperson. To exit the Salesperson maintenance screen press the ESC key, or select the Salesperson menu and then Cancel. Adding Salespeople Select Salespeople from the File Main Menu. Enter an alphnumeric Salesperson Number. Input data in the appropriate fields. See the field definitions at the beginning of this section. Press F8 to save, or select the Salesperson menu then Save. Editing Salespeople Select Salespeople from the Files Main Menu. Enter the Salesperson number, or press F4 to browse. Once the Salesman Maintenance screen is accessed, use your Mouse or the Tab key to move to the field you wish to edit and make the desired change. Press the F8 key to save, or select the Salesperson menu in the upper right corner then select Save. Deleting Salespeople Select Salespeople from the File Main Menu. Enter the Salesperson number, or press F4 to browse. PAGE 17 Press the F6 key to delete the Salesperson. Select OK to confirm the deletion. Searching for a Salesperson Select Salespeople from the File Main Menu. Press the F4 key to browse. Enter the salesman number you wish to find. Press enter to view or edit the Salesperson. To exit the Salespeople Master File, press the ESC key, or select the Salesperson menu then select Cancel. This will abort any changes made to the record. JOBS MASTER FILE The Job menu option is used to Add, Edit, Delete, or Search jobs. Jobs are used by the Job Costing feature for keeping track of costs and revenues for a particular job or contract. Job: Enter up to ten alphabetic, numeric, or combination of characters to identify the job. Job Name: You may enter up to forty characters to describe the job. Adding a Job Select Jobs from the File Main Menu. Enter the Job code or number. Enter the Job Name. Press the F8 key to save the job, or select the Job menu, then Save. Editing a Job Select Jobs from the Files Main Menu. Enter the Job code, or press the F4 key to browse. Once the Job Maintenance screen is accessed, use your Mouse or the Tab key to move to the field you wish to edit and make the desired change. Press the F8 key to save the job, or select the Job menu, then Save. Deleting a Job Select Jobs from the File Main Menu. Enter the Job code, or press the F4 key to browse. PAGE 18 Press the F6 key, or the Job menu, then Delete. Select OK to confirm the deletion. Searching for a Job Select Jobs from the File Main Menu. Press the F4 key to browse. Enter the job number you wish to find. Press the Enter key to edit or view the Job. To exit the Job Master File, press the ESC key, or select the Job menu, then Cancel. GENERAL/ID MASTER FILE This menu option allows you to setup the active company information. If you have more then one company, you will need to change to each company and setup the general information for each company. Name: Enter the name of the person most responsible for the company. This could be the company president or the owner. You may add up to thirty characters. Company: Enter in the actual name of the company. You may enter up to thirty characters for the name. Address: There are two lines for the company address. You enter up to thirty characters in both fields, City, State and Zip: You may enter up to fifteen characters for the city. For the state, enter the two digit postal code for your state. The zip code field allows for the five digit and the four digit postal zip code. Phone and Fax Number: Enter your company phone and fax number. The fax number field could also be used for a second phone number if needed. SSN and Tax ID#: These two fields are available for informational purpose. In a proprietorship you would enter your social security number. The Tax ID file is for your tax resale number. Account Numbers: Painless displays the default account numbers it will use when entering products, services, accounts receivable. etc. If these account numbers are incorrect the Browse command is available to select an account or to create an account on the fly. You may also enter the account numbers manually. Last invoice and Purchase Order Number: Enter the last number used in these two fields. Painless will start the number with the next consecutive number. PAGE 19 Painless Payroll Interface: If you are using Painless payroll, place an "X" in the check box if you are going to interface the payroll program. If you will be running both programs as stand alone, then checking the box is not necessary. Password: If you are going to use passwords, then select this command to setup the password commands used when entering the program. Each level allows a user to access only certain areas of the program. The master password is the highest priority password. You assign password access levels in the File menu using the Password Access option. Any menu option not available to the user will appear as a gray background in the menu options. As the user scrolls through the menus options, Painless will skip over any option not available to the user. Select the OK command to process and save the password setup. This will return you to the Company Information screen. Adding Company Information Select General/ID from the File Main Menu. Input data in the appropriate fields. Select the OK command at the bottom of the screen to save and process the entered information. Editing Company Information Select General/ID from the Files Main Menu. Once the Company Maintenance screen is accessed, use your Mouse or the Tab key to move to the field you wish to edit and make the desired change. Select the OK command to process and save the changes. Note: Choosing the OK command will exit you back to the File Main Menu. You can not delete a company from this screen. Therefore, the delete command is not available. The information entered is for the active company. To enter General/ID information for another company you will need to change to that company using the Change Company option under the File Main Menu. You may also delete and search for other companies using this option. CLIENT NOTES MASTER FILE Client notes is used for general information about your client, and may be printed out for viewing. When entering the Client Notes screen you are given four selections- Enter Client Notes Delete Client Notes Print Client Notes Reminder Labels PAGE 20 To enter a client note place the bullet indictor in the Enter Client Notes selection and chose the OK command. Client: Enter the client number, or chose the F4 Browse command to select a client. You cannot add a client through this browse command. Once the client number is entered you may then enter the date of the note, and the text of the note. The Print option is available to print only the client note displayed. You may also use the Delete command to delete the current note and add another. Once the note is completed chose the OK command to save the information and enter another client. To escape out of the screen chose the Cancel command or press the ESC key. Adding Client Notes Select Client notes for the File Main Menu. Select Enter Client Notes and chose the OK command. Enter the Client number or use the Browse command to select a client. Note: You can not add a client from this screen. The client must already exist to add a note. Enter the date that corresponds to the client note. Input the information you wish to be displayed when printed out. Select the OK command to save and process the information. Print Client Notes Information You may wish to print out your client notes for review. You may print out a single client note, or you may print out all of the client notes. Painless accounting allows you several options to for printing. Client From and To: Select the From and To fields for the range of client notes you wish to print, or use the default First to Last to print all client notes. Note Date From and To: Select the date range of the notes to print. Send Report To: Select the output device for printing. You may print the information to the printer, screen or a file. Filename: If you chose to print the information to a file, you will need to enter the file name with extension to print. You have up to twenty (20) characters to describe the file and it's extension, with the only limitations being DOS defined file names. PAGE 21 To print a client note: Select Client Notes from the File Main Menu. Select Print Client Notes and chose the OK command. Enter the client range to print. Enter the date range to print Select the output device for printing. Enter the filename if the output selected is to a file. Chose the OK command to start the process. Delete Client Notes Information Delete client notes allows you to delete a range of entered notes for clients. If you wish to only delete a single client note, use the Add Client note and delete option. Delete Notes Prior To: Enter the date of the client notes you wish to delete. This will delete all notes prior to the entered date. To delete client notes: Select Client notes from the File Maintenance Menu. Select Delete Client Notes. Enter the date for all the notes you wish to delete prior to the entered date. Chose the OK command to process the option. Reminder Labels- These mailing labels can be used to send clients reminders that it is time for their next meeting or just to keep in contact with them. When printing you have the option of to print for a range of clients or just for one client. Enter in the date and it will print the labels fro the clients specified in the range, and only for the client with a reminder date on or before the date specified. Enter the label length, either 9 or 6 lines. Select OK to print. APPOINTMENTS MASTER FILE The appointment option allows you to enter and keep track of appointments. This may be a very valuable option for your company. You also have the option to keep track of appointments for your sales people if you wish. The Appointment Calendar After selecting the Appointments from the file menu you will be shown a calendar. The day selected will be today's date. The selected day will be highlited. Days with appointments are also highlited. PAGE 22 Move through the calendar with the arrow keys, or by selecting the day with the mouse. The page up and page down keys change the month, and the shift-page up and shift-page down key combinations change the year. Mouse users can select the month and year from the controls at the bottom of the calendar window. The Today control brings you back to today's date. Adding Appointments You may add appointments to the text box to the right of the calendar. This is selected with the mouse or the tab key. Enter the appointment information. It is a free form text window. The tab key or the mouse will return you back to the calendar. PASSWORD ACCESS MASTER FILE You may set up the level of the password for each module. The default value is level 9. Use the Edit command to change the password level Editing Passwords Select Passwords from the File Main Menu. Highlight the Menu Option you wish to edit . Select the edit command at the right side of the screen. Enter the desired password level. Select the OK command to exit the Password Access Setup screen. OPEN COMPANY Use this menu option to open an existing company. Highlite the company and press enter. The company name will be displayed at the center of the main screen near the bottom. Select Highlite the company with the mouse or arrow keys and press enter, or click on the select button. The company data files will be opened. Modify This option allows you to modify the name of the company and the path for the data files. Delete This option will delete the company information from the screen only. The company will no longer be available as an option. But the data files will not be erased from the hard disk drive. Cancel Select the cancel button or press the ESC key to exit this screen. PAGE 23 CREATE COMPANY You will use this option to create any new company. The only limitation on the number of companies you can create is available disk space. New Company Information Drive and Directory: First you specify the DOS drive and sub- directory. The drive and directory must be a valid DOS drive and filename. Company Name: You may enter up to Forty characters for the company name. Include Current Chart Of Accounts: If you are going to copy the current chart of accounts use the Space Bar or your Mouse to place an "X" in the selection box. Complete the process by choosing OK. If you wish to cancel out of the screen, there must be a drive letter entry. The ESC key may also be used. EXIT COMMAND To exit Painless Accounting select the Exit command from the File Main Menu. Painless will prompt you to confirm the exit. Select the Cancel command if you wish to continue using Painless Accounting. PURCHASES PURCHASE ORDER MASTER FILE This module is used to enter a purchase orders for any inventory items ordered. The next purchase number will be displayed in the purchase number field. If you need to edit a previous purchase order, just enter in that purchase number, and it will be displayed on the screen, providing it has not been posted. Purchase Order Number: Enter the purchase order number or press the enter key, and Painless will select the next available number. Vendor: This is the number you setup for the vendor. The Browse command is available. The information for the vendor may be edited if necessary. If the vendor code entered is not found, you may add it at this time. Date: Enter the date of the purchase order. This will default to the DOS date but may be changed. Due On: Due dates are calculated by the due days entered in the vendor file. Balance and Last Payment: The vendor balance and last payment fields are updated when any invoices or payments for the vendor are posted. Note: Any changes to the vendor information will also change the vendor file information. Also, any product or message can only be PAGE 24 entered through the Add command along the bottom of the screen. Entry into this section of the screen is only accessible with the for mentioned option. Adding a Product/Message Select Purchase Orders from the Purchase Main Menu. Press the Tab key to accept the next available number. Note: The Tab key must be used to select a number. Enter the Vendor information. You may enter the Vendor code or press the F4 key to browse the list of Vendors. Highlite the vendor and press the Enter key. After entering the Vendor information you will enter the Purchase order line items. Enter the Product, or Message code and press enter. If you don't know the Product or Message code press the F4 key to browse. Highlite the Product or Message and press the enter key. If you are adding a product enter the Units Purchased. Otherwise select the OK command along the bottom of the screen. Enter the Unit Cost. Continue to enter the line items. After completing entering the line items, press the F5 Toggle key. This will move you from the line items screen to the purchase order information screen. Complete the purchase order by entering freight, amount paid and any applicable taxes. Press the F8 key to save the purchase order. Editing or deleting a Product/message 1. Select Purchase Order from the Purchase Main Menu. 2. Enter the purchase order number you wish to edit 3. Press the F5 toggle key to bring you to the line items screen, or use the mouse. 4. Once the product/svc/message is highlited, use your Mouse or the Tab key to move to the field you wish to edit and make the desired change. If you wish to delete an item press the F6 key. 5. Press the F8 key to save the changes. Deleting A Purchase order 1. Select Purchase Order from the Purchase Main Menu. 2. Enter the purchase order number you wish to delete. 3. Press the F6 key to delete the PO. PAGE 25 4. Select OK to confirm the deletion. RECEIVED P.O.'S MASTER FILE This module is used to enter a Received Purchase Order showing any amount of products received from a vendor. The next Received Purchase Order number will be displayed in the Purchase Number field. If you need to edit a previous Received Purchase Order just enter in that Received number, and it will be displayed on the screen, providing it has not been posted. If you have already entered a Purchase Order and now want to enter the number of units received, enter in the Purchase Order number. Purchase Order Number: Enter the purchase order number of the received P.O. If a P.O. was not created for this receipt, then press the enter key to accept the next available number. If you do not us purchase orders, Painless will assign the next available number. Vendor: If this is an active P.O. then the vendor information will be displayed. Otherwise, the Browse command is available. The information for the vendor may be edited if necessary. If the vendor code entered is not found, you may add it at this time. Date: Enter the date the purchase order was received. This will default to the DOS date but may be changed. Due On: Due dates are calculated by the due days entered in the vendor file. Balance and Last Payment: The vendor balance and last payment fields are updated when any invoices or payments for the vendor are posted. Note: Any changes to the vendor information will also change the vendor file information. Also, any product or message can only be entered through the Add command along the bottom of the screen. Entry into this section of the screen is only accessible with the for mentioned option. Adding a Product/Message 1. Select Received P.O's from the Purchase Main Menu. 2. Enter the purchase order number to edit. 3. Press the F5 key to access the line items. 4. Scroll to the next available line item and enter the information. 5. Press the F5 key to toggle back to the purchase order entry screen. PAGE 26 Editing Received P.O.'s 1. Select Received P.O.'s the Purchase Main Menu. 2. Enter the purchase order number you wish to receive. 3. Select Edit from the commands along the bottom side of the screen 4. Once the product/svc/message is accessed, use your Mouse or the Tab key to move to the field you wish to edit and make the desired change. 5. Press the F8 key to save the changes. Deleting a Received P.O. 1. Select Received P.O.'s from the Purchase Main Menu. 2. Enter the purchase order number you wish to delete. 3. Press the F6 key to delete the PO. 4. Select OK to confirm the deletion. INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS This option allows you make adjustments to your products after taking an inventory. You will only be allowed to make adjustments to products already on file. First you will enter in the product code. After the code is entered the description and the current on hand units will be displayed. If there has already been an adjustment entered for the product, and not posted, the New on Hand Units will be displayed. You may now enter in the New on Hand Units. If you enter in more units than currently on hand, after posting this will increase your inventory and update the current on hand units in the product file. Also, your Cost of Goods Sold will be decreased. If you enter in less units than currently on hand, after posting this will decrease your inventory and update the current on hand units in the product file. Also, your Cost of Goods Sold will be increased. Adding Inventory Adjustments 1. Select Inventory Adjustments from the Purchase Main Menu. 2. Select Add from the command along the bottom of the screen. 3. Enter the product number you wish to add. The Browse command is available to search products. 4. Enter the correcting number for the New Units. 5. Press the F8 key to save. PAGE 27 Editing Inventory Adjustments 1. Select Inventory Adjustments from the Purchase Main Menu. 2. Highlight the product you wish to edit. 3. Select Edit from the commands along the bottom side of the screen 4. Once the Edit Inventory Adjustment screen accessed, use your Mouse or the Tab key to move to the New Units field and make the desired change. 5. Press the F8 key to save. Deleting an Inventory Adjustment 1. Select Inventory Adjustments from the Purchase Main Menu. 2. Highlight the product you wish to delete. 3. Select Delete from the commands along the bottom side of the screen 4. Select the OK command to process the deletion. PRINT PO'S/RECEIVED PO'S Print Purchase Order File Through this option you can print, display, or send to a file a range of purchase orders. If you select reprint purchase orders, it will print out all purchase orders that have already been printed. You also have a range of which purchase orders to print out. Select the form that you want the Purchase orders to print out on. Reprint Purchase Order?: Place an "X" in the check box to print previous printed purchase orders. Purchase Order From and To: Enter the from and to numbers to print Send Report To: Select the output device. If you select the File option you will need to enter the name with it's extension in the next field. Formats: Select the format you wish to print. To Print Purchase Orders: 1. Select Print PO's/Received PO's from the Purchase Main File 2. Select Print Purchase Orders and chose the OK command. 3. Enter an "X" in the check box if you are printing previously printed purchase orders. PAGE 28 4. Enter the beginning and ending numbers to print. 5. Select the output device. 6. Select the format type 7. Chose the OK command to process the printing. Print Received PO'S Through this option you will be able to print, display, or send received purchase orders to a file. If you select to reprint received purchase orders, it will print out all received purchase orders that have already been printed. You also have a range of which received purchase orders to print out. Select the form that you want the Received P.O.'s to print out on. You can also select to print historical received P.O.'s. Note: The printing of received purchase orders is the same procedure as printing purchase orders. Refer to this section for information on how to print received purchase orders. PRINT INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTS This option will allow you to print out the inventory adjustments entered. You may display this report, send it to the printer, or send it to a file. This will display the Product code and description and the current on hand units and the new on hand units entered. To print Inventory Adjustments: 1. Select Print Inventory Adjustments from the Purchase Main File 2. Select the output device. If you are going to use the file option you will need to enter the file name and extension in the next field. 3. Select the OK command to process the printing, PRINT PURCHASE JOURNAL This report will show all Purchase Order and Received Purchase Order amounts and amount due. You have the option to display the report on the screen, send it to the printer, or send it to a file. This will show the Purchase Order or Received Purchase Order number, vendor code, vendor company, and date. It will also show the total of the invoice and any amount paid at the time of the invoice. Also the amount now owed on the invoice will be displayed. It will also give you totals for each of these columns. Note: Printing the purchase journal is the same procedure to print inventory adjustments. Refer to this section in the manual for more information. PAGE 29 POST RECEIVED P.O. Be sure and print out all purchase orders, received purchase orders, and the purchase journal and make a backup before running this process. This process will update all vendor balances and put all received purchase orders in the open invoice file. Also the on hand units and the on order units in the product file will be updated. When posting you will be prompted for a posting date. This is the date used for the summary sent to the ledger. You can also specify to post only received p.o.'s that have this as their invoice date or all received p.o.'s. You also have the option to post Unprinted Received Purchase Orders. If you answer 'N', non printed Received Purchase Orders will stay in the file. If you answer 'Y' all Received Purchase Orders will be posted that meet the above date criteria. You will no longer be able to edit any purchase orders or received purchase orders that had units received or any partial units received. The only thing that will be left in the file will be Purchase Orders that did not have any units received. Any units not received will have to be reentered as a Purchase Order. A summary of all debits and credits will be sent to the ledger with the posting date entered. Total debits and credits posted will be displayed on the screen and they should always be equal. This summary may be looked at in the ledger, but it cannot be edited. To look at this summary, enter in PO for the journal and the date as the transaction number. For example, if you posted on March 13, enter in 03/13 as the transaction number and PO as the journal. This will display the summary on the screen. To post received P.O.: 1. Select Post Received P.O. from the Purchase Main Menu. 2. Enter the Posting Date. This date is important- it is the date that will be reflected in the General Ledger transactions. 3. If you wish to post unprinted POs, check the Post Unprinted PO's check box. 4. Post Received PO's with posting date only. This option will post only those PO's which have a date the same as the posting date. 5. Chose the OK command to process the posting. POST ADJUSTMENTS Be sure and print out the Adjustments and make a backup before running this process. This process will update the product file with the new on hand units. It will take the new on hand units times the appropriate cost to get the new on hand dollar value. If the adjustment is made to decrease the inventory a credit will PAGE 30 be made to inventory and the offsetting entry will be made to the cost of goods sold for each product. A summary of all debits and credits will be sent to the ledger. Total debits and credits posted will be displayed on the screen and they should always be equal. This summary may be looked at in the ledger, but it cannot be edited. To look at this summary, enter in IV for the journal and the date as the transaction number. For example, if you posted on March 13, enter in 03/13 as the transaction number and IV as the journal. This will display the summary on the screen. To post adjustments: 1. Select Post Adjustments from the Purchase Main Menu 2. Enter the posting date for the adjustments. 3. Chose the OK command to process the posting. BILL OF MATERIALS Print Bill of Materials This report will show all products that are manufactured. It will show the finished product and the description. Below the finished good, all products that make up that product will be displayed. It will show the product code, description, and the number of units it takes to make up the finished good. This report may be displayed on screen, sent to the printer, or sent to a file. To print the bill of materials: 1. Select Bill of Materials from the Purchase Main Menu. 2. Select Print Bill of Material and chose the OK command. 3. Select the output device and choose the OK command to process the bill of materials Generate Bill of Materials This option will allow you to generate your manufactured products. All manufactured products will be displayed on the screen by code and show the description. You must now enter the number of units to generate for each product. This process will increase the number of units on hand for the manufactured product by the number input. The on hand dollars will also be increased by the appropriate cost times the number of units generated. The on hand units for the raw materials, that make up the finished product, will be decreased by the number of units setup in the product file. Also the on hand dollars will be decreased. This process does not check to see that the raw materials have enough units on hand to generate the finished good. So it is possible to get a negative on hand units and dollar value for the products that make up the manufactured good. PAGE 31 To generate a bill of material: 1. Select Bill of Materials from the Purchase Main File. 2. Select Generate Bill of Materials. 3. A list of manufactured items will be displayed. Enter the quantity of each manufactured item to be genereated. 4. Press the ESC key. Select OK to start the Generation process. After generating you should print the bill of materials. BILLING Billing Main Menu This option is used to enter client Estimates and Invoices that can be printed out showing each service rendered or product sold. Estimates Use this option to create Client Estimates. Estimates use the same numbering system as invoices, but do not update the Open Invoice file. Estimates do not appear on aging reports or revenue journal. Invoices Use this option to create Client Invoices. You can also convert an Estimate to an Invoice. Print Estimates / Print Invoices Use these options to print estimates invoices. You may print a range, or a single item. Revenue Journal The Revenue Journal displays all billings in the current batch (what has not been posted). Commission Report This option prints a listing of commissions due by salesman. Sales Analysis The Sales Analysis report displays all the sales for each Product or Service for the current batch. Recurring Invoices Use this option to edit and generate Recurring Invoices. This powerful feature allows you to create standard invoices for clients at predetermined intervals without having to create a new invoice. ESTIMATES Estimates are very similar to invoices, but Estimates are not posted. Estimates can be converted to invoices at any time. Estimate Number: To enter an Estimate press the tab key to get the next Invoice number in sequence or enter an Invoice number PAGE 32 that you want to edit. You may also enter any number, this will help if your Invoice is not entered in consecutive order. Pressing ESC will take you back to the Billing menu. The Estimate number is the same number as the invoice number, and when the system enters the Invoice number it takes it from the next available Invoice number, and that number will be unavailable for an invoice. When the Estimate is converted to an Invoice, the current Estimate number becomes the invoice number. Client: Next enter in the client code. The Browse command is available to select a client or add a client on the fly. If a client code of CASH is entered, you will be able to enter in a name, address, city, state, and zip information. This is helpful if you are a point of sale business and have numerous one time cash customers per day that you do not need to keep on file. Ship To: If you have the ship to information activated, you will be able to enter in four lines of ship to information. Invoice Date: Enter the date of the Estimate. Due On: The due date is generated from the information enter in the client information screen. Job and Salesman: If the Job Costing and/or Commissions are activated, you will be able to enter in a job number and/or a sales person. Note: If the job costing is activated, you will be required to enter in a job number for each Estimate. The same goes for entering a sales person. The sales person will default to the sales person entered in the client file. If you will have a case where there might not be a job number or sales person, and the options are activated, setup a dummy job and/or a dummy sales person. Reminder Date: Enter in the client's reminder date. This will be the date of the clients next visit. Date of visit and due date will be entered in automatically, but it may be changed. Due date is calculated by the due days entered in the client file. Last Payment: The client balance and last payment fields are updated when any Order or payments are made for the client and posted. PO/ Ref: You have 15 characters to enter in a PO number or use this field for another type of reference. Adding Estimate line items for Products, Services, or Messages 1. Select Orders from the Billing Main Menu. 2. Press the enter key to select the next available ORDERS number. PAGE 33 3. Enter the client number or select the Browse command to select a client. Enter the estimate header information: ship to, purchase order number, etc. 4. After entering the estimate header the cursor will be placed on the line item entry window. Enter a product, service or message code and press enter. If you don't know a code, press the F4 key to browse. 5. Press the F5 to toggle back to the estimate main screen. Enter the footer information and press F8 to save. If you enter in a service, product, or message not on file, you can add it at this time. If you add it at this time it will prompt you to indicate if it is a service, message, or product. Then it will bring up the proper screen to enter the service, message, or product. After a service is entered, the description will be displayed but may be modified. The amount of the service will be also be displayed, but you may change the amount if necessary. If a message is entered the description will be displayed, but it may be changed. If the message does not exist in the message file, it may be added at this time. If a product is entered the description and price will be displayed, but can be modified. The price will default to the clients price level if used. Otherwise the selling price setup in the product file will be displayed. Next enter in the number of units ordered. You can then change the price if necessary. You have the option to let the system indicated if you have negative on hand units or not. This may be setup in the Utilities, Configuration menu. If Negative Units is set to On, and the number of units ordered is greater than the number of units on hand, a message will appear indicating that this entry will give you a negative on hand units. You then have the option to continue or reenter a smaller number of units ordered. Thus, if you continue you are able to sell units that you currently do not have. The extended amount is calculated by taking units times price. The sales tax will be updated once in the amount paid field. Press ESC to return to the Estimate. The commission amount will be displayed but may be overwritten at this time. The commission is the commission percent times the total amount of the line items. This does not include any tax or freight. You can then enter in any freight amount and any cash received. The Estimate generated will only be for the remaining amount due, if any. The Total is the total of services rendered and products ordered, plus any sales tax, GST tax, if activated, and freight minus the amount paid. If the client is set up with a zero tax rate, no tax will be generated. If the client has a tax PAGE 34 rate, tax will be calculated only on services and products that are taxable. If GST tax is activated and the rate is not 0, the GST tax will be calculated on the total of the Estimate line items plus the sales tax. If you enter an amount in the amount paid field, this amount will be posted to your default checking account, that is setup in the General ID File. This amount will also be posted to the check reconciliation under the default checking account. The sales tax will be posted to the sales tax account in the general ID file, and the freight will get posted to the freight income account in the general ID file. Editing Products, Services, or Messages 1. Select ESTIMATE from the Billing Main Menu. 2. Enter the ESTIMATE number of the product to edit.. 3. Press the F5 key to toggle to the Line Item window. 4. Use the arrow keys to scroll up and down through the items. 5. Move to the desires field and enter the information. 6. To delete a line item, place the cursor on the line item and hold the Alt key down and press the D key (Alt-D). 7. Press the F5 key to toggle back to the estimate main window. Press the F8 key to save. Deleting an Estimate 1. Select Estimate from the Billing Main Menu. 2. Enter the Estimate number to delete. 3. Press the F6 key to delete the Estimate. 4. Select OK to confirm the deletion. Converting an estimate into an invoice To convert an Estimate to an Invoice, select Invoice from the Billing menu. Enter the Estimate number and it will be converted to an Invoice. The Estimate number will no longer be accessible through the Estimate menu selection, and must now be edited through the Invoices procedure. INVOICES This option is used to enter client Invoices that can be printed out showing each service rendered or product sold. You can also convert an Estimate to an invoice through this module. Invoice Number: To enter an invoice press the tab key to get the next Invoice number in sequence or enter an invoice number that you want to edit. You may also enter any number, this will help PAGE 35 if your Invoices are not entered in consecutive order. Pressing ESC will take you back to the billing menu. If you are converting and Estimate, enter the Estimate number and the estimate will automatically be converted to an invoice. Client: Next enter in the client code. The Browse command is available to select a client or add a client on the fly. If a client code of CASH is entered, you will be able to enter in a name, address, city, state, and zip information. This is helpful if you are a point of sale business and have numerous one time cash customers per day that you do not need to keep on file. Ship To: If you have the ship to information activated, you will be able to enter in four lines of ship to information. Invoice Date: Enter the date of the invoice. Due On: The due date is generated from the information enter in the client information screen. Job and Salesman: If the Job Costing and/or Commissions are activated, you will be able to enter in a job number and/or a sales person. Note: If the job costing is activated, you will be required to enter in a job number for each invoice. The same goes for entering a sales person. The sales person will default to the sales person entered in the client file. If you will have a case where there might not be a job number or sales person, and the options are activated, setup a dummy job and/or a dummy sales person. Reminder Date: Enter in the client's reminder date. This will be the date of the clients next visit. Date of visit and due date will be entered in automatically, but it may be changed. Due date is calculated by the due days entered in the client file. Last Payment: The client balance and last payment fields are updated when any Invoices or payments are made for the client and posted. PO/ Ref: You have 15 characters to enter in a PO number or use this field for another type of reference. Adding Products, Services, or Messages 1. Select Orders from the Billing Main Menu. 2. Press the enter key to select the next available ORDERS number. 3. Enter the client number or select the Browse command to select a client. Enter the invoice header information: ship to, purchase order number, etc. 4. After entering the invoice header the cursor will be placed on PAGE 36 the line item entry window. Enter a product, service or message code and press enter. If you don't know a code, press the F4 key to browse. 5. Press the F5 to toggle back to the estimate main screen. Enter the footer information and press F8 to save. Note: If you enter in a service, product, or message not on file, you can add it at this time. If you add it at this time it will prompt you to indicate if it is a service, message, or product. Then it will bring up the proper screen to enter the service, message, or product. After a service is entered, the description will be displayed but may be modified. The amount of the service will be also be displayed, but you may change the amount if necessary. If a message is entered the description will be displayed, but you can modify it if necessary. If a message is entered the description will be displayed, but it may be changed. If the message does not exist in the message file, it may be added at this time. If a product is entered the description and price will be displayed, but can be modified. The price will default to the clients price level if used. Otherwise the selling price setup in the product file will be displayed. Next enter in the number of units ordered. You can then change the price if necessary. You have the option to let the system indicated if you have negative on hand units or not. This may be setup in the Utilities, Configuration menu. If it is set on then, if the number of units ordered is greater than the number of units on hand, a message will appear indicating that this entry will give you a negative on hand units. You then have the option to continue or reenter a smaller number of units ordered. Thus, if you continue you are able to sell units that you currently do not have. The extended amount is calculated by taking units times price. The sales tax will be updated once in the amount paid field. Press ESC to return to the invoice. The commission amount will be displayed but may be overwritten at this time. The commission is the commission percent times the total amount of the line items. This does not include any tax or freight. You can then enter in any freight amount and any cash received. The Invoice generated will only be for the remaining amount due, if any. The Total is the total of services rendered and products ordered, plus any sales tax, GST tax, if activated, and freight minus the amount paid. If the client is set up with a zero tax rate, no tax will be generated. If the client has a tax rate, tax will be calculated only on services and products that are taxable. If GST tax is activated and the rate is not 0, the GST tax will be calculated on the total of the Invoice line items plus the sales tax. PAGE 37 If you enter an amount in the amount paid field, this amount will be posted to your default checking account, that is setup in the General ID File. This amount will also be posted to the check reconciliation under the default checking account. The sales tax will be posted to the sales tax account in the general ID file, and the freight will get posted to the freight income account in the general ID file. Next, if you have the hold invoice activated, you will be able to make this a hold invoice. A hold invoice will not be posted when going through the posting process. Also when printing out Invoices through the invoice-print option, a hold invoice will not be printed. This way you will be able to edit this invoice later. It will no longer be a hold invoice once a payment is entered and posted. To edit product/svc/msg 1. Select Invoice from the Billing Main Menu. 2. Enter the Invoice number of the product to edit.. 3. Press the F5 key to toggle to the Line Item window. 4. Use the arrow keys to scroll up and down through the items. 5. Move to the desires field and enter the information. 6. To delete a line item, place the cursor on the line item and hold the Alt key down and press the D key (Alt-D). 7. Press the F5 key to toggle back to the estimate main window. Press the F8 key to save. Deleting an Invoice 1. Select Invoice from the Billing Main Menu. 2. Enter the Invoice number to delete. 3. Press the F6 key to delete the Invoice. 4. Select OK to confirm the deletion. Note: The OK command at the bottom of the screen will save any added, edited, or delete INVOICEs. The Cancel command will cancel any previously entered information.. Print Invoices This option allows you to print, display, or send Invoices to a file. You may select any of your customized formats at this time. If you place an "X" in the check box to reprint Invoices, it will print all Invoices that have already been printed. If you do not select Reprint it will only print Invoices that have not been printed. Any hold INVOICE will not be printed through this PAGE 38 option. You also have a range of which INVOICE numbers to print out and you have the option to print Invoices with a zero balance. Note: Printing invoices follows the same procedure as print Purchase orders. Refer to this section of the manual for details. PRINTING REVENUE JOURNALS This option will generate a sales journal which may be displayed on the screen, printed, or sent to a file. You have the option activate hold Invoices on this report through the utilities menu. If not activated, any hold Invoices will not be printed on this report. Otherwise, hold Invoices will be included. This report will display the INVOICE number, client code and name, and the date of the INVOICE. The revenue journal also includes a total of the INVOICE and any tax charged along with any amount that was paid at the time of the INVOICE. Also the net due on the INVOICE will be displayed and each column will be totaled. To print revenue journals: 1. Select Revenue Journal from the Billing Main Menu 2. Select the output device. 3. Chose the OK command to process the printing. PRINTING COMMISSION REPORTS This option will give you a commission report for your sales people. The report will show the sales persons name, INVOICE number, client number, amount of the INVOICE, and the commission made by the sales person. Also, a total of the INVOICE amounts and commission to be paid will be displayed. This report may be displayed on the screen, printed, or sent to a file. Note: Printing commission reports follows the same procedure as print revenue journals orders. Refer to this section of the manual for details. PRINTING SALES ANALYSIS This option will generate a sales analysis report which may be displayed on the screen, printed, or sent to a file. This report will generate a total for each product or service sold. The information is pulled from the INVOICE file and will include all Invoices enter through the Billing module that have not been posted. This report will show the type (Service or Product), code, description, number of units sold, and the total dollar value, for each INVOICE the product or service is on. There will be a total for each product or service and a grand total at the end. Note: Printing sales analysis reports follows the same procedure as print revenue journals orders. Refer to this section of the manual for details. PAGE 39 POSTING INVOICES Be sure and print out all invoices and the sales journal and make a backup before running this process. This process will update all client balances, client historical figures, product file, product historical figures, commission information if activated, job costing information, if activated, and put all invoices in the open invoice file. This will NOT post any hold invoices. You will no longer be able to edit any invoices that were not hold invoices after this process is run. Painless uses the DOS date as the posting date. If this date is incorrect, go to the field and enter the correct date. Place an "X" in the check box if you want to post non printed invoices. If you need to keep your clients history on file, then place an "X" in the check box. That way you will be able to look at a clients history at any time. This will also update the historical tax file. Then you will be able to print a sales tax report for any range of clients who are charged tax. You may also print it out for a given date range to get a tax report for the month. Note: The tax will be posted to the appropriate accounts entered in the tax setup. A summary of all debits and credits will be sent to the ledger. Total debits and credits posted will be displayed on the screen and they should always be equal. This summary may be looked at in the ledger, but it cannot be edited. To look at this summary, enter in BI for the journal and the date as the transaction number. For example, if your posting date was March 13, enter in 03/13 as the transaction number and BI as the journal. This will display the summary on the screen. To post invoices: 1. Select Post Invoices from the Billing Main Menu. 2. Place an "X" in the appropriate check box.(s) 3. Select the OK command to process the posting. RECURRING INVOICES Recurring Invoices allow for batch processing of groups of invoices. Use recurring invoices when you have repeated billings to a client for the same products or services on a regular basis. One example would be an alarm company, who bills his clients once per month and the invoice amounts don't vary. Enter Recurring Invoices When making invoices recurring entries, editing and deleting the entry works the same as entering in a regular invoice. The only difference is after the invoice number is entered you will be prompted for a Recurring Code. You have codes 1-9 to choose from. Each invoice will be saved with this recurring code and when you want to generate the recurring entries you just specify what code to generate for. PAGE 40 The invoice number in this option is just a reference number. When the invoices are generated they will not have this invoice number. It will take the last invoice number in the general ID file and increment it by one and the first recurring invoice will have this invoice number and so on. You are unable to enter in a PO Number, ship to information, freight, sales person, or job number. Also, you will not be able to enter in a reminder date. If you need a reminder date, after generating the entries, edit the invoice in the invoice option. The invoice date will be the date the recurring invoice is generated. The due date will be calculated for you. One thing to be aware of, if you enter in products for a recurring entry, it will not check to see if you have enough units on hand. When you edit the recurring invoice in the invoice option and you will be able to check to see if you do have enough units on hand, provided you have the negative on hand units check activated. Print Recurring Invoices This option will allow you to print, display on screen, or send any range of recurring entries to a file. This will print just like a regular invoice. You can also select a customized form to print the invoices on. Keep in mind that printing from this option does not update or create open invoices. Generate Recurring Invoices This option will generate open invoices from your recurring entries. After you have created your recurring invoices, use this option to create "regular" invoices from the recurring invoices. You will be prompted for the recurring code to generate for. Only entries with this recurring code will be sent to the Billing invoice file. This process may be run as often as needed. There will be no indication that the process has already been run, so if you run it twice in one month and were only supposed to run it once, you will have to go to the Billing invoice option and delete the invoice. Remember the invoice numbers used in the recurring invoices entry will not be the invoice number given once it is sent to the regular invoice file. The generated invoices will use the next numbers available in the General ID file. An Example of a Recurring Invoice cycle For this example, Joe's Landscaping does lawn and shrubery maintenance for both businesses and residences. He bills some of his clients on the 1st of the month, some on the 10th and some on the 15th. He is on a contract basis with most of his clients. The amount billed each month differs from client to client, but unless the contract changes each client's bill is the same amount from month to month. PAGE 41 The first step for Joe is to create a Recurring Invoice for each client. Since each Recurring Code can be generated individually, Joe decides to put all of the clients he bills on the 1st of the month on Recurring Code 1, all of the clients he bills on the 10th on Code 2, and all of the clients he bills on the 15th on Code 3. Each Recurring Invoice is given an invoice number. (Remember this is not the number that will appear on the generated invoice, just a reference number so that the recurring invoice can be edited or deleted later). Joe enters the client information, service code and pricing. On the 1st, Joe wants to Generate his Recurring Invoices. Of course he wants to bill only those clients that are due to be billed on the first. Since he grouped those client's Recurring Invoices with Recurring Code 1, he Generates for that code. After Generating, he prints his Invoices from the Billing Menu (not Print Recurring Invoices), and prints a Revenue Journal. Until he posts he can edit or delete any of the invoices that he generated. He repeats the process on the 10th for Recurring Code 2 and on the 15th for Recurring Code 3. AR (Accounts Receivable) TRANSACTIONS This option allows you to enter invoices or credits for your clients or edit any invoices entered but not posted. The transaction number will be automatically displayed when the Tab key is pressed. If you need to edit a previous transaction, just enter in that transaction number, and it will be displayed for you. Pressing ESCape while in the transaction number will take you back to the AR menu. Transaction #: The transaction number is used to identify an entry. This number is used to recall unposted transactions, or when auditing. All transactions have a number. Painless will assign the next available number when the Tab key is pressed. Client: If you are adding an invoice or credit, just enter in the client code and the client information will be displayed. The Browse command is available to select a client or add a new client. Note: You will not be prompted to verify the client and comments will not be displayed. The client balance will only reflect any invoices or payments that have been posted. The last payment date will be updated automatically after posting. Invoice and Credit: These two options allow you to select whether this transaction will be an invoice, or if the client is receiving a credit to their account. PAGE 42 Invoice #: This is the number that will identify the invoice being billed to the client. When editing the transaction you will not have access to the invoice number to change it. If the incorrect invoice number was entered and saved, you will have to delete the transaction and reenter it with the correct invoice number. When making adjustments to an invoice that has been posted, use the invoice number from the posted invoice. Job #: If the Job Costing option is activated, you will need to enter the job number. If you have a transaction that does not go to any job, you will have to enter a dummy job and use that job number for all entries with no jobs. Invoice Date and Due Date: Enter the invoice date, and the due date will be generated, but may be changed. Invoice dates will default to the DOS date but may be changed. Add: Your receivable general ledger account will be displayed and you may enter in a description of the invoice and the amount in the debit column. If it is a miscellaneous credit, the cursor will stop in the credit column and you can enter in the adjustment amount. On the second line enter in your income account number and the proper amount. The income amount may be split up into two or more accounts by entering in two or more line items. A total of eight line items may be entered. This may vary depending on what you selected in video parameters. If you are unsure of an account number, the Browse command is available to list the chart of accounts. If account number entered does not exist, you have the option to add this account to your files at this time. When the debits equal the credits just press enter, and you will be prompted to enter in an invoice description which will be displayed on a client statement and the aging report. Delete: If you need to delete a transaction, just select the Delete command. You will be prompted to verify your actions before the transaction is deleted. Edit: The edit command is used to change a previously entered account number Adding Transactions 1. Select Transactions from the AR Main menu 2. Enter the transaction number of a non posted transaction or press the Tab key for the next available number. 3. Enter The client number. 4. Accept the invoice date or change the date 5. If applicable enter the job number. PAGE 43 6. After entering the AR transactions header information, the cursor will be placed on the AR Line item window. 7. Enter the account number, or press the F4 Browse key. 8. Enter a description for the line item entry or leave blank. 9. Enter the Debit or Credit amount. 10. Press the F5 Key to toggle back the AR transactions menu. 11. Press the F8 Key to save. Edit a Transaction 1. Select Transactions from the AR Main Menu. 2. Enter the transaction number to edit. 3. Highlight the account number you wish to edit. 4. Press the F5 key to toggle the line item window. 5. Make the necessary changes and press the F5 key to toggle back to the AR Line main window. 6. Press the F8 key to save. Deleting a Transaction or Line Item 1. Select Transactions from the AR Main Menu. 2. Enter the transaction number to delete. 3. Press the F6 key to delete the transaction. 4. Select Ok to confirm deletion. Note: To delete a line item account number, highlight the number and press the Alt-D key. CASH RECEIPTS When a client makes a payment, you enter it through this option. The next transaction number will come up for you. Pressing ESCape while in the transaction number will take you back to the AR menu. Transaction #: The transaction number is used to identify an entry. This number is used to recall unposted transactions, or when auditing. All transactions have a number. Painless will assign the next available number when the Enter key is pressed. After posting, this number is always set back to 1. Client: Enter in the client code or select the Browse command to search for the client. Clients may not be added at this time. You will not be prompted to verify this is the correct client. PAGE 44 Also, if any comments have been entered for the client they will not be displayed. The comments can be entered in the client file under the Files option. You may also edit the client address information and tax rate at this time to make any changes. Enter in the proper transaction date next. It defaults to the DOS date. You can then enter in the job number, providing job costing is activated in the Utilities option. If you are entering the receipt and not editing, the Pay command you will then have three options on how to enter cash receipts. Single Invoice: The first option only allows you to enter a cash receipt for a single invoice. This may be a partial or whole amount. Multiple Invoice: The second type of receipt allows you to receive payment on multiple invoices. The amount received may be partial or whole amounts. Mass Payments: The last option is to make a mass payment where you will just mark the invoices and the total amount will be paid. This option does not allow partial payments. Note: When you need to pay only one invoice, whether it be a partial payment or full payment, select (1) single invoice payment. Pay command: To make payment against an invoice, select the Pay command. Next you must enter in the invoice number the client is paying. When listing the invoices the invoice number, invoice date, due date, balance, and payment will be displayed. Enter in the proper invoice number and the amount they are paying. Only existing invoices may be entered. If the total amount is not paid, you have the option to write off the remaining balance. Edit: When editing the transaction you will not have access to the invoice number to change it. If the incorrect invoice number was entered and saved, you will have to delete the transaction and reenter it with the correct invoice number. Delete: To delete a cash receipt, press the F6 key. You will be prompted to verify your actions before the entry is deleted. Paying Invoices 1. Select Cash Receipts from the AR Main Menu. 2. Press the Enter or Tab key to accept the next available transaction number. 3. Enter the Client number or press F4 to browse. 4. Select Payment type- Single Invoice, Multiple Invoices, or Mass Payments. PAGE 45 5. Entering the payment information If entering a Single Invoice- enter the invoice number and the amount. If entering Multiple Invoices- highlite the invoice and press the F2 key to pay. Enter the payment information for each information. Partial payments are allowed. If entering Mass Payments mark each invoice. Invoices will be paid in full. Partial payments are not allowed. 6. Press the F8 key to save. Note: For operation of the Delete and Edit command refer to the AR/Transaction section of this manual. PRINT JOURNALS Transactions This report will print out all invoice transactions entered through the Receivable module. This journal may be displayed on the screen, sent to a printer, or sent to a file. This journal should be printed out on paper before posting. After the posting process is run you will not be able to edit the transactions. Cash Receipts Journal This report will print out all of the cash receipts. It will display the transaction number, client code and name, the invoice number they paid, and the amount the client paid. This report may be displayed on the screen or printed out on paper. This journal should be printed out on paper before posting. After the posting process is run, you will not be able to edit the transactions. POSTING PROCESS Be sure and print out all journals and make a backup before running this process. This process will update all client balances, client historical information, product historical information, any job costing information, if activated, and put all invoices in the open invoice file. You will no longer be able to edit any invoices or receipts made through this module after posting. FINANCE CHARGES This process should only be run once a month. It will generate a finance charge for Open invoice customers that are setup to receive a finance charge. A report showing all finance charges will be generated. This report should be printed out so you can easily make any necessary changes or remove any charges generated by mistake. In order to run this process you must first post the Billing and Receivable modules. PAGE 46 RECURRING ENTRIES Enter Recurring Entries When entering recurring entries it will work the same as entering in regular transaction entries. The transaction number will be incremented automatically, but is just a reference number. When the entries are generated, it will take the last transaction number used in the regular Transaction option and increment it by one. The first recurring entry will be given this transaction number when it is sent to the transaction file and so on. The recurring entries transaction number will not change. The first thing you will enter is the recurring code. This code will be used when generating the recurring entries. When you generate the entries it will ask for what code. You will pick the code and it will generate all the recurring entries that have that particular code. Everything else will work the same as when you enter a regular transaction. Print Recurring Entries When printing the recurring entries you may display them on screen, print them out, or send them to a file. They will contain the recurring number, client code and name, and each line item entered with a total of the debits and credits. It will also display the recurring code for each entry. Generate Recurring Entries This option will allow you to generate the recurring entries. It will ask you for the recurring code to generate for. Once you select the code it will generate all entries that have this recurring code. They will be sent to the transaction file and you can edit them through the Transaction option. The transaction numbers will generated automatically with the next numbers in sequence from the regular Transaction option. If you print out an invoice/Transaction listing the recurring entries generated will be included in this report. AP (Accounts Payable) TRANSACTIONS This option allows you to enter invoices for your vendors or edit any invoices already entered but not posted. The transaction number will be automatically displayed. Pressing ESCape while in the transaction number will take you back to the AP menu. If you need to edit a previous transaction, just enter in that particular transaction number, and it will be displayed on the screen for you. When entering an invoice, enter in the vendor code, and the vendor information will be displayed. The Browse command is available to select a vendor. If you are editing an invoice and need to delete that invoice, select the Delete command. You will be asked to PAGE 47 verify your actions before the invoice is deleted from the records. If the vendor code entered does not exist, you may add it at this time. You will be prompted to verify this is the correct client. If you answer Yes you may proceed with the invoice entry. If you answer No you may enter in the vendor number again. Also, if any comments have been entered for the vendor you may view them at this time. The comments can be entered in the vendor file under the Files option. You may also edit the vendor address information and tax rate at this time to make any changes. The credit limit is the limit you entered in the vendor file. The balance will only reflect any invoices or payments that have been posted. The last payment date will be updated automatically after posting. The date of the invoice defaults to the DOS date, but may be changed. The due date will be generated, but can be changed. If the job costing is activated you will then be prompted to enter a job number. Next, your payable General Ledger account will be displayed, and you may enter in a description of the invoice and the amount in the credit column. If it is a miscellaneous debit the cursor will stop in the debit column, and you can enter in the amount. On the second line enter in your offsetting account and the proper amount. If the account number entered does not exist, you may add it at this time. You may enter up to twenty line items per invoice. This will varying depending on what you have selected in the video parameters. When debits equal credits leave the account number blank and press enter or press F8 to save. You will then be prompted to enter in an invoice description. This description will be displayed when printing out the vendor aging report. CASH PAYMENTS When you pay a vendor you will enter the payment through this option. The transaction number will come up automatically. Pressing ESCape while in the transaction number will take you back to the AP menu. Enter in a vendor code or select the Browse command to select a vendor. Vendors may not be added at this time. To edit a cash payment, enter the proper transaction number and that transaction will be displayed on the screen. If you need to delete the payment, press the F6 key. You will be prompted to verify you actions before the payment is deleted. To enter a transaction you must first enter a vendor code. You will be prompted to verify this is the correct vendor. You may edit the vendor address information and tax rate at this time to make any changes. PAGE 48 Enter in the proper transaction date next. It will default to the DOS date. If the job costing is activated you must then enter a job number. Accept the default address for the vendor, or you may change it at this point. (Changes to the address that are entered here are not permanently changed in the vendor file). Select whether this payment is Single Invoice, Multiple Invoices or Mass Payments. Select whether the check is a manual check (not printed by Painless Accounting) or a computer check (printed by Painless Accounting). We track the computer checks for you. Also, the computer checks must be printed out through the Print Checks option before posting. If you have multiple checking accounts you can enter the proper account you want the payment to be taken from. You can also enter a check reference number which can be printed on the checks. Entering the payment information If entering a Single Invoice- enter the invoice number and the amount. If entering Multiple Invoices- highlite the invoice and press the F2 key to pay. Enter the payment information for each information. Partial payments are allowed. If entering Mass Payments mark each invoice. Invoices will be paid in full. Partial payments are not allowed. Press the F8 key to save. DIRECT CHECKS This option will allow you to write checks with or without setting up the vendor file. When writing direct checks you do not need to pay a particular invoice. These checks will also be sent to the check reconciliation file. The number will increment automatically. If you need to edit a previous check, just enter the number and it will be displayed for editing. If you need to delete a check select the Delete command. Next enter the date of the check, it will default to the current DOS date. You may then specify a vendor code. If a vendor code is specified the company name and address will be filled in for you, but may be edited. You may set up the people you write checks to frequently, as vendors, so you do not have to type in their name and address each time a check is made out to them. You may use the Browse command to display the vendors on the screen. If no vendor is specified you will need to enter in who you are making the check out to and the address, if necessary. Now you will need to enter in the amount of the check. You may specify a memo that will print on the check. Remember customize your computer printed You PAGE 49 may enter up to four disbursements. Enter in the account number of the disbursement and the amount. You must indicate if the check is a manual or computer check. Computer checks must be printed out through the print checks option. The check number of a computer check will be generated automatically when printing. If you indicate the check is a manual check it will then prompt you for the check number. You can also enter a check reference which can be printed out on checks. A job number must be entered if job costing is activated. PRINT JOURNALS Transactions This report will print out all invoice transactions entered through the Payable module. This journal may be printed to the printer, displayed on the screen, or sent to a file. This journal should be printed out on paper before posting, because after posting you will not be able to edit the transactions. Payments Journal This report will print out all payments made. It will display the transaction number, vendor number and name, invoice number, date, check number, check type, and the amount paid toward the invoice. This report may be displayed on the screen, printed, or sent to a file. This journal should be printed out on paper before posting because after posting you will not be able to edit the transactions. Direct Check Journal This option will print a journal of all the direct checks. The report may be displayed on screen, sent to the printer, or to a file. It will show the check number and who each check was made out to. Next, all the disbursements will be shown. It will display the account numbers and the amount of each disbursement. The total of all checks will be displayed at the end of the journal. PRINT CHECKS This option will allow you to print out your computer checks from the cash payments and direct check writing option. If this is a reprint select the Reprint check box. Otherwise, enter the beginning and ending check number and select OK. It will first ask if the printer is on-line and if the checks are aligned. POSTING PROCESS Be sure and print out all journals and make a backup before running this process. This process will update all vendor balances, vendor and product historical information, job costing information, if activated, and put all invoices in the open invoice file. You will no longer be able to edit any invoices or payments made through this module after posting. Before you can PAGE 50 post you must print out all computer checks. Enter the posting date. This is the date on the summary sent to the ledger. A summary of all debits and credits will be sent to the ledger. The total debits and credits will be displayed on the screen after the posting process is finished, this total should always be equal. This summary may be viewed in the ledger by entering in AP as the journal, and the transaction number will be the date. Example, if you posted on March 14, enter 03/14 as the transaction number and AP as the journal. The summary post will be displayed on the screen, but may not be edited. RECURRING ENTRIES Enter Recurring Entries When entering recurring entries it will work the same as entering in regular transaction entries. The transaction number will be incremented automatically but is used as a reference number only. Once the entries are generated and sent to the regular transaction file they will be given a new transaction number. It will be the next number in sequence in the transaction file. The first thing you will enter is a recurring code. This code will be used when generating the recurring entries. When you generate the entries it will ask for what code. You will pick the code and it will generate all the recurring entries that have that particular code. Everything else will work the same as when you enter a regular transaction. Print Recurring Entries When printing the recurring entries you may display the report on the screen, send it to the printer, or send it to a file. It will show the recurring number, vendor code and name, and each line item entered with a total of the debits and credits. It will also display the recurring code for each entry. Generate Recurring Entries This option will allow you to generate the recurring entries. It will ask you for the recurring code to generate for. Once you select the code it will generate all entries that have this recurring code. They will be sent to the transaction file and you can edit them through the Transaction option. The transaction numbers will be assigned automatically with the next numbers in sequence. If you print out a invoice/Transaction listing the recurring entries generated will be included in this report. LEDGER TRANSACTIONS When making entries in the Ledger you first have to enter in a Journal code. You may enter any two letters for a Journal Code except a protected Journal Code. There are five protected PAGE 51 journals. These journals are BI, AR, AP, PO, and IV. After posting in the Billing, Receivable, Payable, Received P.O., and Inventory Adjustments, and Fixed Assets summary transactions are sent to the Ledger with these journal codes. These summary transactions may be looked at through the Ledger, but they may not be edited. To view the summary transactions in the Ledger, enter in the journal code and the date as the transaction number. For example, if you posted the purchases module on April 12, the journal would be PO and the transaction number would be 04/12. You may use whatever journal codes you like when entering Ledger transactions. For example, you may use GJ for General Journal. Once a journal code is entered you can enter the Transaction Number, which may be any alphanumeric character. If a transaction has already been entered with the Journal Code and Transaction Number, it will be displayed on the screen and you may edit or delete the line items, providing it has not been posted. Posted transactions may be viewed but not edited. The Date field defaults to the DOS date. Next, you must enter the Chart of Account number which you are going to debit or credit. If you do not know the Browse command is available to view the Chart of Accounts will be displayed on the screen. If the account number is not found on file, you have the option to add the account at this time. After the number is entered the Account Name will be displayed. Then enter in a description in the description field. Next, enter in the amount in the proper debit or credit column. The total of the debits and credits will be totaled at the bottom. A transaction has to be in balance, debits equal credits, before you are able to process the transaction. Once debits equal credits, leave the Account Number field blank and press enter and the transaction will be saved. You may enter as many line items as needed, consisting of debits and credits. To edit a transaction, put in the proper Journal and Transaction number and the transaction will be displayed on the screen. Select the Edit command or. to delete the transaction select the Delete command. Pressing ESCape while in the Journal Code takes you back to the Ledger Menu. ACCOUNT ACTIVITY This report will print out either current or historical activity for one account, all accounts, or a range of accounts in the ledger. Just specify the account range in the FROM and TO fields. If you specify to update the Ledger historical file when doing the end of month routine, the historical report will print these entries. Thus, you may get an activity report for the whole year. You have the option to send the activity report to the printer, display to the screen, or send it to a file. PAGE 52 JOURNAL REPORT This report will print out the current or historical transactions for one Journal, all Journals, or a range of Journals in the general ledger. Just specify the Journal range in the FROM and TO fields. You will be prompted for a current activity report or a historical activity report. The current report will print the current months entries that have not been closed out by the General Ledger end of month routine. If you specify to update the Ledger historical file when doing the end of month routine, the historical report will print these entries. Thus, you may get a journal report for the whole year. You may also display the report on the screen, print it out on the printer, or send it to a file. Remember all posted information will be cleared out when the end of month is run. The TOTALS of debits and credits should always be equal. CHECK RECONCILE After selecting this option you will be presented with three choice- Reconcile Checking Accounts, Print Check Register and Purge Check File. Reconcile Checking Accounts Through this option you can reconcile your check book. This has no affect on your actual checking account balance. First you will be prompted to enter in the checking account number. You will only reconcile for the checking account entered. If you have multiple checking accounts you have to reconcile for each individual checking account. Then you will be prompted to enter in the bank balance. This will be the balance from your statement you receive from the bank. The checkbook balance will be taken from your checking account balance in the general ledger. This will only include transactions that have been posted to this checking account in the general ledger. Any checks written through the payable and posted will be displayed on the screen, including direct checks. It will also display any receipts you have received through the receivable and billing modules and also any payments made through the Purchase module. Remember the deposits and checks are displayed if they have been posted. Any unposted checks or deposits will not be displayed. Print Check Register This option will print out a current or historical check register journal. It will display the check number, vendor, amount of the check, and if the check has cleared. It will also give you a total of all the outstanding checks. The report may be displayed on the screen, sent to a file, or sent to the printer. PAGE 53 You must first indicate if you want a current or historical check register. Then it will prompt you to enter in the checking account number. This will default to the checking account number setup in the General/ID file. If you have multiple checking accounts enter the proper account number. Purge Check File This option will Purge all of the checking account entries that have been marked "cleared". Enter the checking account number you would like to purge. Select the "Update Historical File" if you would like to be able to print these records in the future. Select OK to begin the process. SALES TAX REPORT This option will allow you to print a sales tax report for a range of clients with a given date range. The report may be displayed on the screen, sent to a file, or sent to the printer. The report will show the client number, name, and phone number. Beneath this the invoice numbers, date of invoice, description, and sales tax amounts will be shown for each clients invoice. The information for this report comes from the historical client file, which you can update when posting the Billing module. POSTING PROCESS The posting process updates the general ledger account balances. Once this process is run, you will not be able to edit the transactions entered. If an error in input was made, you will have to make a reversing entry to correct it. Account balances will not be updated on the financial statements or trial balance until the posting process is run. Always be sure and make backups before doing any posting process. When you select Posting, you will be prompted to enter the Posting Month. The program will only post transactions with a date that falls within that month. For example, if you enter a Posting Month of 3, it will only post transactions that have a March date. Any entries entered for another month will not be posted. After the posting process is complete, a screen will appear indicating the process is complete. If any errors occurred during the process they will be indicated on the screen. The total debits and credits posted will also be displayed. The total debits should always equal the total credits. RECURRING ENTRIES Enter Recurring Transactions When making Ledger recurring entries, editing and deleting the entry works the same as entering in a regular Ledger transaction. The only difference is after the Journal code and transaction number are entered you will be prompted for a Recurring Code. You have codes 1-9 to choose from. Each transaction will be saved with this recurring code and when you want to generate the recurring entries you just specify what code to generate for. PAGE 54 One thing to be aware of, if you generate a recurring entry and you happen to have a posted entry already in the ledger with the same journal and transaction number you will not be able to edit the unposted recurring entry. You will have to close out the Ledger to clear out the part that is posted and the recurring entry will stay in the Ledger. If you do not need to edit it you can post for that month. Print Recurring Entries This option will allow you to print, display, or send your recurring entries to a file. This report will show the Journal code, transaction number, account number and description, description of the transaction, debit and credit entries with totals, and the recurring code number. Generate Recurring Entries This option will generate your recurring entries. It will prompt you for the recurring code to generate for. Only entries with this recurring code will be sent to the Ledger. This process may be run as often as needed. There will be no indication that the process has already been run, so if you run it twice in one month and were only supposed to run it once, you will have to go to the ledger and delete out extra line items. REPORTS LEDGER Trial Balance This report will give a listing of all accounts in the general ledger and their balances. You may also specify to print for only active accounts. The account balances are updated when the posting process, is run in the General Ledger. It will display the accounts beginning balance, this month's balance, and the current balance. The current balance is the beginning balance plus this month's balance. After the end of the month is run, this month balance resets to zero and is added to the beginning balance. The totals of all debits and credits are shown at the end of the report and should always be equal. This report can be displayed on the screen, printed out to keep for your records, or sent to a file. Income Statement This report displays all Revenue and Expense accounts in the general ledger and their balances. But you may include only active accounts if you wish. The balances of these accounts are updated when the posting process is run in the General Ledger. Like the Trial Balance it shows the beginning balance, this month's balance, and the current balance. It will give you a total of all your revenues and the total of all your expenses. The net income displayed is the total revenues minus the total expenses. PAGE 55 After the end of the month is run, this month balance resets to zero and is added to the beginning balance. This report can be displayed on screen, printed out, or sent to a file. Balance Sheet This report displays all Assets, Liabilities, and Equity accounts in the General Ledger and their balances. You may choose to include only active accounts for this report. The balances of these accounts are updated when the posting process is run in the General Ledger. Like the Trial Balance it shows the beginning balance, this month's balance, and the current balance. It will give you a total of all your Assets and the total of all Liabilities plus Equity. Liabilities plus Equity should equal the total Assets. After the end of the month is run, this month's balance resets to zero and is added to the beginning balance. This report can be displayed on the screen, sent to a printer, or sent to a file. Accounts Listing This report will print a listing of all your Chart of Accounts. It will print Account Number, Account Name, and the type of Account. This report can be displayed on the screen, sent to a printer, or sent to a file. Job Costing Statement This report will show information pertaining to a particular job. Enter the job number for which you want to print a statement. Only posted information will show on this statement. The report will list all posted revenue pertaining to this job. They will be broken down by account number. The breakdown of expenses will also be shown, along with a total. Then a net income amount will be shown, which is the total revenue minus the expenses. This report can be displayed on the screen, sent to a printer, or sent to a file. CLIENT Aging This report is designed to print out all invoices and payments made for all clients. It will display the client code, and client name and phone number. Then it will list all invoices, the date of the BILLING, and when it is due. The column heading 'C' will tell where each BILLING or payment was made. An 'I' stands for an BILLING made through the receivable module. The letter 'P' is for any payment made through the cash receipts option of the receivable module. A 'B' is for an BILLING made through the billing module. If a payment was recorded in the billing module at the time the BILLING was made, only the remaining amount will be displayed on this report. If the BILLING has not yet come due, it will fall under the column heading 'Future Due'. For invoices that are zero PAGE 56 to thirty days past due, they will be displayed under the column '0/-30'. Payments are recorded with a negative sign in front of the amount paid. The client totals give a total of how much the client owes for each column heading. This way you will know how much the client owes and if any of that amount is past due. You also have the option to display this report on the screen to look at the clients billing information, send it to a printer, or send it to a file. This report should be printed out once a month before the end of the month is run. When the end of the month is run, all invoices are matched up with payments, and if the net balance is zero, the BILLING and payments will be deleted from the file. This means they will not appear on next month's aging report. Statement This option prints out the statements for each client. You are able to print statements for one client, all clients, or a range of clients. You can also specify an invoice date range. The statements may be display to the screen, printed out on one of your customized formats, or sent to a file. It will prompt you to select the customized form to print out on. The statements contain any invoices or payments made for a client. This reminder can be sent to a client to show how much the client was charged and show all payments the client has made on their invoices. Then it will display the amount that the client currently owes. It will also print out a line of text reminding the client that their invoice is past due or any message you have set up in the statement text in the Utilities menu. This report should be printed out once a month before the end of the month is run. When the end of the month is run, all invoices are matched up with payments, and if the net balance is zero, the BILLING and payments will be deleted from the file. This means they will not appear on next month's statement. Directory This report will print out all information entered for each client in the client file. You may print out a directory for any range of clients by entering the range in the From and To option when printing this report. This report may be displayed on the screen before actually printing, sent to the printer, or sent to a file. Labels This option will print out labels for any range of clients. The client's name, company, and address will be printed on the label. Enter the range desired to print out in the From and To option. These may be used for mailing purposes. Historical This option will print out all the services, products, and messages for each client that were made throughout the year. You may print this report to paper, display it on the screen, or send PAGE 57 it to a file. This report can be printed for one client, a range of clients, or all clients. VENDOR Aging This report is designed to print out all invoices and payments made for all vendors. It will display the vendor code, and the vendor name and phone number. Then it will list all invoices, the date of the invoice, and when it is due. The column heading 'C' will tell if it is an invoice or a payment. An 'I' stands for an invoice entered through the payable module. The letter 'P' is for any payment made through the cash payments option of the payable module. The 'R' is for any Received Purchase Orders entered through the Purchases Module. If a payment was recorded in the purchases module at the time the invoice was made, only the remaining amount will be displayed on this report. If the invoice has not yet come due, it will fall under the column heading 'Future Due'. invoices that are zero to thirty days past due will be displayed under the column '0/-30'. Payments are recorded with a negative sign in front of the amount paid. The vendor totals give a total of how much you owe the vendor for each column heading. This way you will know how many outstanding debts you have and if any are past due. You also have the option to display this report on the screen to look at your status with a vendor, send it to the printer, or send it to a file. This report should be printed out once a month before the end of the month is run. When the end of the month is run, all invoices are matched up with payments, and if the net balance is zero, the invoice and payments will be deleted from the file. This means they will not appear on next month's aging report. Directory This report will print out all information entered for each vendor in the vendor file. You may print out a directory for any range of vendors by entering the range in the From and To option when printing this report. This report may be displayed on the screen, sent to a printer, or sent to a file. Labels This option will print out labels for any range of vendors. Your contact, vendor company, and address will be printed on the label. Enter the range to be printed in the From and To option. These may be used for mailing purposes. SERVICE LIST Through this option you can print a listing of your services file. These may be printed out on paper, displayed on the screen, or sent to a file. You have the option of printing any range of services, departments, and classes. Enter in the range to be PAGE 58 printed in the appropriate From and To options. This listing may be used for quick reference. It will show the code, description, and cost for each service, along with the department and class. PRODUCT LIST Through this option you can print a listing of your products file. These may be printed out on paper, displayed on the screen, or sent to a file. You have the option of printing any range of products, departments, and classes. Enter the range to be printed in the appropriate From and To options. This listing may be used for quick reference. It will show the product code, description, price, cost, on order units, committed units, on hand units, on hand dollar value, and the associated Cost of Goods sold and Sales account number along with the department and class. Also a total of all on hand dollars will be displayed. MESSAGE LISTING Through this option you can print a listing of your message file. These may be printed out on paper, displayed on the screen, or sent to a file. You also have the option of printing any range of messages. Enter in the range to be printed in the From and To option. This listing may be used for quick reference. JOB LIST Through this option you can print a listing of all jobs on file. These may be printed out on paper, displayed on the screen, or sent to a file. You have the option of printing any range of jobs. Enter in the range to be printed in the From and To option. This listing may be used for quick reference. It will display the job number, description, and the number of jobs listed. SALESPEOPLE LIST Through this option you can print a listing of all sales people on file. These may be printed out on paper, displayed on the screen, or sent to a file. You have the option of printing any range of sales people. Enter in the range to be printed in the From and To option. This listing may be used for quick reference. It will display the sales persons code, name, month to date commission, year to date commission, and last year commission. Totals will also be displayed for each commission column. HISTORICAL Client This option will print out the historical sales units and sales dollars for each client. You may print this report to paper, display it on the screen, or send it to a file. This report can be printed for one client, a range of clients, or all clients. It will display the client number, company, month to date units sold and dollar value, year to date units sold and dollar value, and last year units sold and dollar value. Each periods units and dollars will have a total at the end of the report. PAGE 59 Vendor This option will print out the historical purchase units and purchase dollars for each vendor. You may print this report to paper, display it on the screen, or send it to a file. This report can be printed for one vendor, a range of vendors, or all vendors. It will display the vendor number, company, month to date units purchased and dollar value, year to date units purchased and dollar value, and last year units purchased and dollar value. Each periods units and dollars will have a total at the end of the report. Product This option will print out the historical purchase and sales units and dollars for each product. You may print this report to paper, display it on the screen, or send it to a file. This report can be printed for one product, a range of products, or all products. Plus you may indicate a range of department and classes to include. It will display the product number, description, department, class, month to date units purchased and dollar value, month to date units sold and dollar value, year to date units purchased and dollar value, year to date units sold and dollar value, last year units purchased and dollar value, and last year units sold and dollar value. Service This option will print out the historical sales units and dollars for each service. You may print this report to paper, display it on the screen, or send it to a file. This report can be printed for one service, a range of services, or all services. Plus you may indicate a range of department and classes to include. It will display the service number, description, department, class, month to date units sold and dollar value, year to date units sold and dollar value, and last year units sold and dollar value. COUNT SHEET This is a customized form that was created with the Companion report generator. It prints a product listing showing the quantity on hand. Next to the quantity on hand field is a blank area for entering in the actual quantity on hand as counted. This form would be useful during an inventory count. You can edit this form, or remove it from the reports menu. UTILITIES MASTER FILE END OF PERIOD ROUTINES Ledger End of the Month Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure and make a backup of your data files. This routine will remove all POSTED transactions in the General Ledger file. This month's balance will be added to the beginning balance, and then this month's balance will reset to zero. Be sure and print out all General Ledger reports before this process is run. If a report was not printed, you can always restore your backup and print out the report and rerun the process. PAGE 60 You will be prompted to Update the General Ledger Historical File, if you answer 'Y' all entries will be saved to the historical file. This will allow you to print out historical journal and account activity reports throughout the year. If you answer 'N' the entries will just be cleared out and not saved for historical reports. After the closing process is complete, a screen will appear indicating that the process is complete. If any errors occurred during the process, they will be indicated on the screen. Receivables-End of the Month Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure and make a backup of your data files. This routine will match up all POSTED cash receipts and invoices. If they have a net balance of zero, they will be deleted from the file, unless it is a hold invoice. Be sure and print out all receivable reports before this process is run. You must POST the receivable module and the billing module before you can run this process. It will notify you if there are any unposted transactions in the receivable and billing modules. Also the month to date historical sales units and dollars will be zeroed out. After the closing process is complete, a screen will appear indicating that the process is complete. If any errors occurred during the process, they will be indicated on the screen. Any invoices which have a balance of zero will no longer appear on the aging report or the client statements. The cash receipts will also be deleted from the file. You can restore your backup if you need to print any reports not printed out and rerun this process. Payable-End of the Month Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure and make a backup of your data files. This routine will remove all open invoices with a net balance of zero from the payable file. Be sure and print out all payable reports before this process is run. You MUST post the payable module before this process can be run. It will notify you if there are any unposted transactions in the payable module. Also the month to date historical purchase units and dollars will be zeroed out. After the closing process is complete, a screen will appear indicating that the process is complete. If any errors occurred during the process, they will be indicated on the screen. Any invoices which have a balance of zero will no longer appear on the aging report or on vendor statements. The payments made on these invoices will also be deleted from the file. You can restore your backup if you need to print any reports not printed out and rerun this process. Inventory End of Month Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure and PAGE 61 make a backup of your data files. This routine will zero out the historical month to date units sold and dollar value and the month to date units purchased and dollar value. After the closing process is complete, a screen will appear indicating that the process is complete. If any errors occurred during the process, they will be indicated on the screen. Commission End of Month Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure and make a backup of your data files. This routine will zero out the historical month to date commission units sold and dollar value, along with the month to date commission earned. After the closing process is complete, a screen will appear indicating that the process is complete. If any errors occurred during the process, they will be indicated on the screen. Ledger End of Year Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure and make a backup of your data files. It will clear out all revenue and expenses to your profit-and-loss account. The balance of all the revenues minus the expenses will now be contained in the profit/loss account. The expense and revenue accounts will now have balances of zero. At this time you will be given several check boxes. The first prompts you to Purge the General Ledger Historical file. If you check this box all previous historical information for the Ledger will be deleted. If you don't check the box the information will remain on file. It will also ask if you want to Purge the Check Historical File. If you check this box all previous historical information in the check file will be deleted. If you don't check this box the information will remain on file. Also it will prompt you to Zero your Budget Balances. If you check this box all your budget amounts will be set to zero. If you don't check this box your budget balances will remain in the account file. It will prompt you to verify that you have entered in your proper profit/loss account. If you are unsure of your profit-and-loss account, just select Browse and a listing of all your chart of accounts will be displayed on the screen. Then it will prompt you to verify that you want to run this process. Roll Historical YTD Figures Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure and make a backup of your data files. This routine will zero out the historical year to date figures and put them in the last year totals. When running this process you can indicate which historical figures to reset. You can reset all or any combination of the following historical information: vendor file, client file, product service file, or sales person file. Check the appropriate boxes and select OK. PAGE 62 After the closing process is complete, a screen will appear indicating that the process is complete. If any errors occurred during the process, they will be indicated on the screen. Historical invoice Purge/Tax Purge Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure and make a backup of your data files. You will be prompted for a date range. All historical invoice information entered between these dates will be deleted. You will be asked to verify your actions before the records are deleted. Job Purge Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure and make a backup of your data files. This process will delete Job Records for the job range selected. Enter a starting and ending job number, or to delete all just accept the defaults of FIRST and LAST. Select OK to begin the process. Budgeting This option allows you to enter in your budget for all your expense and revenue accounts. The tab key allow you to move up, down, and across the screen. When you are on the field you want to enter in the budget figure for, enter the amount for that month. After all budget figures are entered, select the OK command to process and save the information. Print Command This command located at the bottom of the Budgeting Maintenance screen will print out all the budget figures for your expense and revenue accounts in three different formats. It may be displayed on the screen, printed out to your printer, or sent to a file. BUDGET: This report will show each account name with the budget figures for each month along with totals for each type of account and total Revenue and Expense and your Net Income. You have the option to include inactive accounts. ACTUAL: This report will print out all the actual balances for your expense and revenue accounts. It may be displayed on the screen, printed out to your printer, or sent to a file. It will show each account name with the actual balances for each month along with totals for each type of account and total Revenue and Expense and your Net Income. You have the option to include inactive accounts. Variance: This report will print out all the actual balances and your budget figures for your expense and revenue accounts. It may be displayed on the screen, printed out to your printer, or sent to a file. It will show each account name with the actual balances and the budget amount along with the difference between the two figures and totals for each type of account. Also totals for revenue and expense actual, budgeted, and the difference amounts will be displayed. The final total will show the Actual Net Income and Budgeted Net Income and the difference. You have PAGE 63 the option to include inactive accounts. Fixed Assets Enter Fixed Assets Here is where you can enter in all your fixed assets and we will calculate the depreciation for you. First you must enter the Asset Code. This will be used to identify the asset. Next the description should be entered, and the Asset value. The residual value is the expected value of the asset after complete depreciation. The depreciation taken, is the total amount of depreciation that has been taken on the asset to-date. The current value will be calculated, this is the asset value less the depreciation taken. The asset life is the expected life of the asset, and the age of the asset is the number of years that the asset has been in use. You will have a choice of three types of depreciation: 1) Straight-Line 2) Declining-Balance 3) Sum-of-the years-digit. Finally, you must enter in the account for the Asset Depreciation, and the Asset Expense account. These accounts will be debited and credited when the Generate Fixed Assets option is run. Straight-Line Depreciation: The straight-line depreciation method provides for equal periodic charges to expense over the estimated life of the asset. For example, assume that a computer was purchased for $16,000 with a residual value of $1,000, and its estimated life is 5 years. The annual depreciation would be computed as follows: (16,000 cost - 1000 residual) / 5 years = 3,000 annual depreciation Declining-Balance Method: The declining-balance method gives a declining periodic depreciation charge over the estimated life of the asset. In this method you apply double the straight-line depreciation rate computed without regard to residual value. For example, assume that a computer was purchased for $16,000, and its estimated life is 5 years. The annual depreciation would be computed as follows: Actual Book New Book Yr Cost Depr. Value Rate Depr/Yr Value 1 16,000 ____ 16,000 40% 6,400 9,600 2 16,000 6,400 9,600 40% 3,840 5,760 3 16,000 10,240 5,760 40% 2,304 3,456 4 16,000 12,544 3,456 40% 1,382 2,073 5 16,000 13,926 2,073 40% 829 1244 PAGE 64 Sum-of-the-Years-Digits Method: The sum-of-the-years-digits methods gives results similar to those derived by using the declining-balance method. The periodic charge for depreciation declines steadily over the estimated life of the asset because a successively smaller percentage is applied each year. The denominator of the fractions is the sum of the digits representing the years of life. For, example, assume that a computer was purchased for $16,000, with a residual value of $1,000, and its estimated life is 5 years. The annual depreciation would be computed as follows: The denominator is 5+4+3+2+1 or 15. Yr Cost-Residual Rate Dep. Accum. Dep Book Value 1 15,000 5/15 5,000 5,000 11,000 2 15,000 4/15 4,000 9,000 7,000 3 15,000 3/15 3,000 12,000 4,000 4 15,000 2/15 2,000 14,000 2,000 5 15,000 1/15 1,000 15,000 1,000 Print Fixed Assets This will allow you to print out all fixed assets entered through the Fixed Asset module. You may display the report on the screen, print it out on paper, or send it to a file. The report will show the asset code and description along with the depreciation asset account number and expense account number. It will also show the Life of the asset, original value, depreciation taken, residual value, age of the asset, depreciation method code, and the current value. Generate Fixed Assets This will generate the depreciation for your fixed assets. The entry will be sent to the Ledger with a transaction code of FA and the current date as the transaction number. All the proper fields for the fixed assets will be updated. This should only be run once a year. If it is run more than once a year by accident, you will have to go in and reenter the fields with their proper numbers. If the life is zero or if the Age is equal to or greater than the life, no depreciation will be calculated for that particular fixed asset. This entry may be viewed in the ledger by entering in FA as the journal, and the transaction number will be the date. Example, if you generated on March 14, enter 03/14 as the transaction number and FA as the journal. DATA UTILITIES File Size This option will display how many records are used for each file. The Accounts file contains your chart of accounts. The Client PAGE 65 file contains your clients. Service, Message, and Product file are one file that contain all the services, messages, and Products. Vendor file contains all the vendors entered. The invoice file contains the invoice information entered through the Billing module. The invoice lines are each line item entered for each invoice. The AR Open invoice file contains all the open invoices entered. The Receivable file contains all receivable invoice information. The Receivable Lines are each line item entered. This will reset to zero after posting. The GL transactions file is the number of transaction lines. This file takes up one space for each line item entered in the Ledger and for each summary transaction sent to the Ledger. The GL Recurring file is the number of Recurring transaction lines. It also takes one space for each line item. The AR Recurring contains the Receivable Recurring entries header information for each transaction. The AR Recurring Lines contain the line items for each Receivable Recurring entry. The BI Recurring contains the Billing Recurring invoice header information for each invoice. The BI Recurring lines contains the line items for each Recurring invoice. The direct check contains any check made through the Direct Check Writing option. The job file contains the jobs. The salesman file contains all the sales people. The check file contains any check made to a vendor through the Payable module. The Purchase file contains the Purchase orders and Received Purchase Orders header information. The purchase lines contain the line items for each Purchase Order and Received Purchase Order. The AP Open invoice file contains all the open invoices entered. The Payable file contains all payable invoice information. The Payable Lines are each line item entered. This will reset to zero after the posting process is run. The physical inventory contains each line item entered through the Adjustments option. The Client Records contain information entered through the Maintenance-Client option. This is where you have ten lines to enter any information on each client. The Historical invoices contains all line items for each client if answer yes to update the historical file when posting the billing. This also contains the historical sales tax information. The Historical checks contains all the checks that were saved when you purge the check file by answering yes to update the historical file. Historical Ledger contains all the ledger transactions that PAGE 66 were saved when you answer yes to update the historical ledger during the closing out of the ledger. The AP Recurring contains the Payable Recurring entries header information for each transaction. The AP Recurring Lines contain the line items for each Payable Recurring entry. The fixed assets contains each fixed asset entry. The appointment schedule contains all appointments entered. The Build materials contains the products that make up the manufactured goods. The job log file contains all information for all jobs. Price levels contain the different price levels for each product. Reindex Files This will go through all your files and reindex them and give you more disk space. For example, when you delete out information or post, this information is actually still in the file but it is marked as deleted. The program will not access this information but it is still there. Reindexing will get rid of all records marked as deleted and pack the other records together giving you more disk space. Backup Files This option allows you to backup your data(DBF) files without leaving the program. It will copy your files into another subdirectory on the hard disk. It will prompt you to enter in the Backup Drive and Directory. If you enter d:\backup as the backup drive and directory it will copy the data files to the backup directory on the D:drive. If an invalid drive\directory is entered no action will be taken. Before running any of the end of the period routines, be sure and make a backup of your data files. The backup procedure used by Painless is the Dos backup command. While it will do the job, the Dos Backup is flawed in several ways. First, there is no error correction- if you have a bad spot on the disk, Dos Backup will not notice it and you could lose data. Second there is no data compression. What this means is that it may take a lot more disks than using a commercial backup program. And third, the Dos Backup is very slow. We STRONGLY recommend that you obtain a commercial backup program for your backups, and that you do a weekly backup, and rotate several backup disk sets. By rotating your sets of disks you minimize the chance of backing up corrupt data over good data. See the section in the Getting Started section on backing up. Restore Files This option will allow you to restore your data(DBF) files without leaving the program. It will prompt you to enter in the drive and directory to restore from. Once the files are restored it will reindex the files. You should always reindex the files once they have been restored. If you do not reindex the files the data may not be processed properly. If an invalid drive\directory is entered no action will be taken. PAGE 67 PROGRAM SETUP OPTIONS Color Parameters This option allows you to customize your screen color attributes. All possible color combinations will be displayed in list boxes to choose from. Select the window and the color option with the mouse, or use the arrow keys. Use the up and down arrow keys to move from window type to window type. Use the page up and down keys to move between the window types and the color bar. Highlite the color desired and press the enter key. Press the Alt-S key combination to save the color parameters. You will be asked for a file name. Your standard colors are save to the file DEFAULT. This will be the colors that come up when you run PA6. If you wish to experiment with different color combinations you may want to save them to another file name. Use the Load command to load another color file. Video Parameters This option allows you to indicate the number of lines to display in certain entry screens. You can select 25, 43, or 50 lines. If you select 43 or 50 lines then when you enter invoices or transactions, you will have more lines displayed on the screen to make line item entries. Sales Tax Table This is where you enter in your sales tax rates and GST tax rate along with their appropriate tax liability and expense accounts. If the tax rate or GST rate is 8% enter it as .08. If the tax rate is 7.125% enter it as .07125. You can enter in up to five different rates along with their appropriate tax liability and expense accounts. In the client and vendor file enter in the corresponding number for their particular tax rate in the tax rate field. If they are not charged tax or do not charge you tax, enter in zero for no tax. You may also enter the tax rate for your CASH customers, if you will be using Painless Accounting as a Point of Sale system. Also, you can enter a GST rate if it is applicable to you. You will also have to activate the GST tax in the Configuration setup option. Statement Text This is where you can enter in messages that will show up on client statements depending on their status. When printing out a client statement, one of the messages will appear at the bottom of the statement depending on if they have past due invoices or not. If they do not have any past due invoices the message associated with Current Due will be printed on the statement. If they have an invoice that is one to thirty days over due the message associated with 1-30 Days Over Due will appear on the statement and so on. PAGE 68 Customized Forms This option allows you to customize the forms in PA6. When entering this option you will be shown a list of all the current forms in the system. You may add to, edit or delete any of these forms. The form types are identified by the file extension as follows: Form type File Extension Invoice and Estimates .inv Purchase Order .pur Received Purchase Order .rec Statements .sta Checks .chk Editing Customized Forms When you select Customized Forms a list of the custom forms in the system are displayed. PA6 comes with many examples for you to use or modify. To view the file or modify it highlight the file name and select Edit. A screen is displayed that has settings for form length in lines, and form width in characters per line. The form type is displayed, but it cannot be changed. Select OK to edit the form. The form editing screen is very similar to a word processor. You can use the arrow keys to move around the form, and type text in any location you desire. A custom form is basically a text file that is used by the program to merge the data and send the output to a printer, screen or file. Text that you type will be printed on the form in that location. The form is comprised of lines of text and field codes. Field codes are used by the system to place information from the data files in the appropriate locations. Field codes start and end with the upside down exclamation point character. You may move field codes around on the screen, but don't change the length or the program will not be able to recognize them. Entering Field Codes Field codes are entered with the Alt-I key combination. Place the cursor in the position where you would like the field code to be placed and hold the Alt key down and press I (Alt-I). A list of available field codes for that form type will be displayed. Use the arrow keys to scroll up and down through the field codes and press enter. The field code will be placed in the form at the location of the cursor. Keep in mind when entering field codes that you leave enough room for the field code. If you enter field code with a length of 30 characters in spot on the form with room for only 20 characters it will cause the text following the field code insertion to be pushed ahead or overwritten depending on the editing mode you are in (insert or overstrike). PAGE 69 Generally there are two types of field codes. The first type is when data is inserted that is constant for that printout, such as the Client Code and Address. Usually these field codes are placed only one time on a form, often at the top. The other type of field code is a line item field code, and is placed multiple times on a form. Some examples of line item field codes would be the line item field codes on an invoice and the accounts payable line items on a check form. When entering line item field codes each line of information must appear on its own line in the form. The line item lines MUST end with the "Skip to next line" field code. The "Skip to next line" code tells the program to skip to the next line item in the data file. If the "Skip" code is not at the end of your line items, all the information for those lines may not be printed. You will have to create a line in the format, for the number of line items that you want to appear on your invoice. If the number of line items in your data files exceeds the lines available on your form, then multiple pages will print. Adding a New Custom Form To add a custom form, select Customized Formats then Add. Enter the file name for the form. Do not try to enter the file extension. The program will do that for you. Now enter the lines per page and the form width. Most dot matrix printers print 66 lines and 80 characters on 8.5" x 11" paper. Since some printers will not print a full width form, we recommend using a width of 79 characters per line. Many laser printers will print to 66 lines per page, but they are usually set up as a default to print from 58 to 62 lines. You may need to modify your form to match the page length. Select the type of form you wish to create. Select OK. It is important to match the Form Length with the page length on your printer. If your laser printer is set for 62 lines, and the program sends a form to the printer of 66 lines, the 4 extra lines will end up on the second page, and the second page will print 4 lines to low. Each page will "walk" down 4 lines. Adding Font Control Codes You can add Font Control codes to your custom forms. Font control codes can be added while you are in the form editing screen by typing Alt-O, or by selecting Fonts from the File Setup menu. Place the cursor in the position for the Font Control code to be placed and press Alt-O. You will then be given a choice of available fonts. Use the arrow keys to select the desired font and press enter. You will see the Font Control code string placed on the screen at the cursor location. You can edit or create new Font Control codes from the Customize Fonts in the Program Setup Options screen. PAGE 70 Customize Fonts Customize Fonts are Font Controls used by the Custom Forms. Use this option to edit or create new Font Controls. Select Customize Fonts from the Program Setup Options and select OK. The Available Fonts screen shows existing Custom Format Fonts by their description. Editing a Font To edit or view a Font, highlight the Font description and select Edit. You may change the Font Name, which is a description of what the font does. The Font Codes are the decimal codes that are sent to the printer to change the way the printer prints. The most common Font Control used is the condensed print. This is used on many of the forms that come with the program. The condensed print field will allow standard Epson compatible 80 column printers to print 132 columns wide. All of the Font Controls that come with the program are the Epson compatible codes. If you have codes you need to send to laser printer or other type of printer you will need to enter the codes from the printer manual. Adding a Font Enter the font description and decimal control codes. The Customized Fonts are not limited to only font changes. Any control codes you want to be sent to a printer can be done with the Font Controls. For example, you may want to have a laser printer pull from an upper tray by inserting the control code for the upper tray at the top of the form. To set the printer back to the default tray, enter the control code for the default tray at the bottom of the form. Printer Setup To access Printer Setup, select this option from the Program Configuration menu and select OK. The available printers box will be displayed. Scroll until you find your printer listed and select the Select button. Your printer type will be set. You may edit the control codes for any listed printer, however we recommend that if you have an unusual printer setup you should use the "Other" printer selection. To edit a control code highlight the printer description and select Edit. The control codes for Normal print and Condensed are the only fields available to edit. If you need to create a code for other than Normal and Condensed print, use the Customize Fonts in conjunction with Customized Forms. The Custom Fonts allow for sending any type of control codes to the printer. Default Description This option will allow you to put in your own descriptions that will appear on statements and aging reports. When making invoices, P.O.'s, Received P.O.'s, AR and AP transactions, Cash Payments and Receipts, and AR write offs you are prompted to enter PAGE 71 in a description that will appear on statements and aging reports. This option allows you to let it default to what you want, but may also be changed. Country Setup This option will allow you select various date formats. It also allows for Canadian Providence and Zip Codes. If you select American it will use State. If you select Canadian it will use Providence and allow for a Canadian Zip Code. You may also select a date format which will display the date in the format displayed on the screen. Configuration This option will allow you to activate or deactivate certain parts of Painless Accounting and select some default options. Job Costing You have the option of activating job costing to track all expenses for jobs to be performed. If Job Costing is activated, you will be prompted to enter a Job Number when entering Invoices, AR Transactions and AP Transactions. See the section on Job Costing for more information on this feature. Hold Invoice When this feature is activated, you will be prompted after entering each invoice "Is this a hold invoice?" Hold invoices are like regular invoices, but when held they will not post, and you have the option of not printing them on the revenue journal. You may want to activate Hold Invoices if you frequently invoice clients, but the invoice may not be complete and you don't want it to post. Activate Negative Units This feature allows you to turn off the warning message that you may be out of an item (negative on-hand units) when entering invoices. Write Offs in Cash Receipts When activated, you will be prompted to optionally write off any remaining balance when applying cash receipts to client open invoices. Activate Salesman Commissions This option turns on the Salesman Commissions feature. When on, you will be prompted for a Salesman Code for each invoice entered. Activate Exploding Windows This option turns on the "Exploding Windows" feature. If you have a slower computer, turning this off may improve performance. Include Hold Invoices on Revenue Journal? This option causes Hold Invoices to print on the Revenue Journal, providing that you have Hold Invoices activated. Hold Invoices still will not post, however. PAGE 72 Activate GST Tax on Invoice This option causes the GST tax to be generated on invoices. Activate Ship To on Invoice This option turns on the ability to enter Ship To information during invoicing. Product Service Length Painless Accounting allows you to set the length of your product codes from 10 to 30 characters. Places to the left of decimal in Quantity Sets the number of places to the left of the decimal point in Invoicing and Purchases. Places to the right of decimal in Quantity Sets the number of places to the right of the decimal point in Invoicing and Purchases. This allows for fractional units billed. Output Default Sets the default output device for printing forms and reports. Cost Method Painless Accounting supports 4 costing methods- Standard, Average, LIFO and FIFO. Select the method used in your business. If you are unsure, you may need to consult with your accountant. Run Programs Setup This option allows you to setup other programs you have and be able to run them from within Painless Accounting by simply pressing two keys. You may enter a program name to remind you which program you are going to run. You must also specify the full path. This will include the drive and directory. You must also specify the name of the file that runs your other program. For example, to set Painless Payroll as one program, you can enter PA Payroll as the program name. C:\PAP as the full path and PAP as the program command that runs the payroll program. Now at any time within Painless Accounting you can press CTRL+F5 and select Painless Payroll. Once you exit out of the Payroll package you will return to the point you left off at in Painless Accounting. OTHER UTILITIES Calculator Select numbers to perform calculations on. PAGE 73 Notepad This option will allow you to edit a text file. Enter in the name of the file, you may also specify a path name. Press ESCape to exit and you will have the option to save the changes. Some others keys are as follows: Page Up and Down - moves up and down a screen CTRL+Left and Right arrow - moves to the previous and next word CTRL+Page Up and Page Down - takes you to the top and bottom of the file End and Home takes you to the be end and beginning of a line CTRL+Home and End takes you to the top and bottom of a screen. Painless Companion The Painless Companion allows you to create powerful custom reports. This utility is available only on the registered version. Documentation is provided seperately for the Companion. Painless Editor The Painless Editor allows you to edit your data files directly. This utility is available only on the registered version. Documentation is provided seperately for the Editor. XBase Interpreter The XBase Interpreter gives you a Dbase and Foxpro style dot prompt. Standard XBase commands can be entered. This utility is available only on the registered version. Documentation for the XBase Interepreter is provided seperately. DOS FUNCTIONS 1. Format Floppy Disk This option will allow you to format a floppy disk. You can select either A or B drive only. If the disk you put in the drive contains any files, they will be lost! 2. Check Disk This option will allow you to check how much disk space you have available. 4. Copy File This option will allow you to copy a file. Enter the file name to copy in the File Name field. You can specify a path name along with the file name. Enter the name of the file to copy it to in the Copy To field. You can specify a path name along with the file name. If the file specified in the Copy To field already exists, it will be overwritten! 5. Delete File This option will delete a file. Enter in the file name to delete. You can specify a path name along with the file name. The file entered will then be deleted! PAGE 74 6. Backup to Floppy Disk This option will allow you backup files to a specified disk drive. Enter the parameters in the Backup Parameters field. The parameters work just like the DOS backup parameters. For more information see your DOS manual. 7. Restore from Floppy Disk This option will allow you restore files from a specified disk drive. Enter your parameters in the Restore Parameters field. The parameters work just like the DOS restore parameters. For more information see your DOS manual. 8. DOS Window This option will allow you to exit to DOS. To return to Painless Accounting type in 'EXIT'. ENTER BEGINNING BALANCES To enter beginning balances for your accounts, clients, vendors, or products, simply press F10 from the main menu. Then select the beginning balances you need to enter. This will automatically update the balance and also offset the amount to an 'X' account in your chart of accounts. If the 'X' account does not exist one will be created automatically. Be careful to only setup beginning balances through this option so you will not end up with a balance in the 'X' account. 1. Accounts Select this option to enter beginning balances in your chart of accounts. All the chart of accounts will be displayed on the screen. Simply highlight the account and press enter and enter in the amount to add to the current balance. You should not enter beginning balances for Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Inventory through this option. These will be updated when beginning balances are enter for your clients, vendors, and products. Remember this will be offset to the 'X' account. 2. Clients Select this option to enter beginning balances for your clients. All the clients will be displayed on the screen. Simply highlight the client and press enter to enter in an invoice for the beginning balance. You will first enter an invoice number, date of the invoice, due date, description, and amount of the invoice. The amount of the invoice will be added to the current balance of the client. This amount will be added to the accounts receivable total. Remember this will also be offset to the 'X' account. 3. Vendors Select this option to enter beginning balances for your vendors. All the vendors will be displayed on the screen. Simply highlight the vendor and press enter to enter in an invoice for the beginning balance. You will first enter an invoice number, date of the invoice, due date, description, and amount of the invoice. The amount of the invoice will be added to the current balance of the vendor and will be added to the Accounts payable account. Remember this will also be offset to the 'X' account. PAGE 75 4. Products Select this option to enter beginning balances for your products. All the products will be displayed on the screen. Simply highlight the product and press enter to enter in units and dollars on hand. You will then enter the number of units to add to the current units on hand. The inventory account will be updated by the number of units added times the standard cost. Remember this will also be offset to the 'X' account. PAGE 76